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Hello everyone that is reading this story!
So I wanted to try something different and new and no this isn't a normal ask or dare book you guys shape there future for them so this means this book can have multiple endings the paths are chosen from you guys. And at the end of this book when it's at its end there will be a choice if you guys want to see what would of happened in the other endings.

Now the setting this will be related to thefamousfilms series theme park so there would be only the characters that are in the theme park right now in there series you can add in characters but that means only for a minimum of days you guys can pick how many days/asks/dares.

You can ask or dare any of the characters that you see in thefamousfilms theme park even from Jonjon side also since there is a portal you guys can bring in from other dimensions if you want.

Now the final thing... the beginning of the story on what's been happening:

It is a normal day at the park and for there crew. Bryan was investigating some things with the portal and saw how strange it was acting and decided to change the coordinates but nothing was happening. The brunette male went up to the portal and put his hand through it. But it didn't feel the same it didn't feel like a magnetic plus pulling him through. He was about to get Molten till something grabbed his hand and slightly pulled him closer. The male felt so much fear but couldn't yell out for help. The thing that was grabbing his hand said one thing in a monotone but creepy voice.
"87 days till the end" after the dark abyss hand let go of his it send a pulse through the male hitting right into a pillar blacking out from the force but something was left behind so he wouldn't forget....

*after a few hours Jon found him and helped him out to the medical station to see if he was okay or not*

(You can ask anything to them now if you want also if you had read my old ask and dare book it won't be the same as that one so with all that I hope you enjoy the story and stay with the crew to see what happens to them at the end of there story)

Trap In Place (Ask or Dare) Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें