Screw around and find out what happens

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While most everyone in Brooms Town was friendly toward each other, there were a few outside visitors that had a tendency to...test the patience of those around them.  Of course, like with any situation, the rescue team were always just an emergency call away from coming to help, but how would they react to one of their own needing help?  The answer?  Well, you'll find out.

A/N: Feel free to skip the *   * portion if needed.  No worries if ya'll do, this is pretty different than my usual stories so some if ya'll may not enjoy reading it as much.  Just giving ya a heads up
Checking on some of the new first aid stations set up around town by Amber had been routine that afternoon, she had set the stations up as a way for people to receive temporary relief for minor injuries, larger ones were usually a hospital visit but for small injuries it was actually working quite well.  She was on her last one and it was surprisingly still well stocked especially considering the area she was currently in was known for various incidents, what did get her attention was that not only was the station still mostly full, almost all of the packaging was either torn open or damaged, that definitely wasn't a good sign and it gave the medic an uneasy feeling seeing this. "I'd better head back and get this station fixed up and restocked properly."  Closing up the station she began to leave but not even halfway down the path the presence of someone else following close behind was making the medic slightly worried, mostly because of the fact she knew pretty much everyone in town and this presence was one she knew she wasn't familiar with.  Quickening her pace wasn't an option as her path was blocked almost instantly by the male cutting her off mid step, "I don't suppose I could ask you for some directions cutie."  The man wasn't anyone she knew and he definitely wasn't wanting directions to anywhere, not only that but his appearance and the way he spoke meant he was older than she was, possibly even Roy's age if not a bit older.  "I know you aren't here for directions, so if you will kindly step aside, I'll be on my way."  Amber could feel the fear rising but pushed it aside hoping he wouldn't notice it, he had...but didn't show any difference in his original tone and expression to this instead moving in closer "Actually I think I've already figured out where I need to go, and she's standing right in front of me."  —————————————————
*Now Amber knew she was in trouble, this man wasn't looking for directions, he just wanted her.  "Don't even think about trying anything."  Her voice was raised slightly as her hand went out almost involuntarily to push him away, bad mistake... grabbing onto her wrist, the man used the opportunity to yank her closer before shoving her against the nearby wall, pinning her in place. "Shouldn't have done that sweets."  Keeping one hand on her wrist and the second pinning her arm to her side only meant he had a hold on her and one he wasn't about to let go on so easily.  "I think we can do without the skirt. It's so not necessary."  Fearful violet eyes from the medic turned to shock as she felt the man's hand grab onto the underside of her skirt pulling it down exposing the white shorts she had underneath but instead of him being deterred or annoyed by this the man just slid those down as well.  "Much better, now let's see about that top."  Bringing his free hand back up, Amber got just enough leverage she needed to wrench her hand free, slapping the man straight across his face."How about you get the hell away from me!"  The slap did cause the man to stumble backward, rubbing the reddened side of his face, turning to glare at her."Now you've done it." Lunging back at her he secured his grip once again this time making sure she couldn't hit him as he got her hands pinned behind her back using the nearby discarded rope as an anchor, "Let's see how well you do now."  His voice had turned to a low hiss as his hands began to trace along her sides reaching down to her currently exposed hips and lower body "such elegance but I think we can improve that," his words were followed by the  rush of cold air as Amber felt the shirt she'd been wearing get pulled off revealing the white sports bra just underneath.  "Much better, so much more elegance this way."  Still keeping her pinned to the wall, he began to nip at her neck, bringing his hands around her hips and thighs occasionally rubbing his hand up and down.  "So tense, where's the fun in that?"  His words were followed by him still stroking his hands over the medic's hips, but this time bringing them up, reaching her chest and bra line sliding them underneath, grabbing on in the process.  At this point Amber was desperate to get free but with her hands bound behind her back she couldn't just push him away which also meant she couldn't use her radio to call the others either which left only one option.  Scream.  No longer wanting to put up with the man's actions she bit down hard right into his hand causing him to yelp sharply allowing her just enough time to cry out until she was silenced by the exact same hand she had bit down on just seconds ago cupping around her mouth silencing any more noise from getting out "Alright now you've done it!"  The man wasn't playing nice anymore, and neither were his actions, forced onto the ground, his hands grabbed around her hips and chest, preventing her from screaming again by kissing her firmly.  "This time, you aren't getting away."  Pinned to the ground exposed and vulnerable Amber was terrified at what would happen next, but what followed was unexpected and even more frightening than what was already happening.*  And it wasn't the man going for another attempt that made her worried it was the gunshot from behind him the bullet striking the wall nearby, snapping his head up the man was just about to lunge at whoever had pulled the trigger only to have a hand grab the back of his shirt dragging him off Amber and thrown across the pavement roughly, "Get the hell away from her."  That voice, Amber, knew that voice.  She knew it without even having to look. She did anyway eyes filling with relief to see both Poli and Roy standing on either side of her. Their gazes were darkened with hatred as they kept their teammate shielded between them.  Turning to look over, Amber had just then noticed Helly kneeling down, wrapping a jacket over her shoulders, staying by her side while Jin provided cover, aiming her gun at the man warningly her eyes glaring daggers at him.
"And who are you supposed to be? Her guardians?" The man clearly wasn't getting the message, nor did he seem to care that there were now both a police officer and a firefighter standing directly in front of him and both were well simply putting...really ticked off.  "How about you watch your tongue before I rip it out of your damn head."  Roy's voice came as a hissed snarl as Poli let out a low growl muscles, tensing ready to fight if it should happen.  "She isn't your toy idiot, nor is she yours to claim."  Poli wouldn't use threats unless he felt he had to, but what this man had done, he wasn’t taking any chances.  A quick glance to Roy followed by an unseen nod, and the firefighter knew what to do, turning back to the man gaze calm but still burning fiercely.  "I'd say run, but you won't get very far."  Now, if there was one thing to note, it was that if Roy started smiling when he was pissed off, you were pretty much dead.  Unfortunately because the man they were dealing with was an out of towner he wasn't aware of this nor did he seem to show much interest in caring only rolling his eyes, "What are you gonna do then, kill me?"  Still haven't gotten the message he made a move lunging for a hit only to have his arm caught mid swing by a chain and yanked behind his back before being rammed to the ground held in an arm lock with a steel curved blade held against his throat.  "Perhaps if you keep your mouth shut, you'll live."  Struggling to get free, the man wasn't even aware of Poli coming behind him until a metallic click was felt on his wrists.  "Mess with one of us, you're dealing with all of us."  Poli's words came as an icy hiss as he hauled the man onto his feet rather roughly leading him away.

Slipped the weapon away, Roy walked back over, kneeling down in front of the still trembling medic, brushing her hair from her face. "You're alright.  It's all over now."  He knew she probably didn't want anyone actually touching her considering what she had just gone through, and they didn't want to frighten her anymore.  "I'll get her back to the station and meet you guys there."  His gaze didn't waver gently, pulling Amber into his arms, standing back up once she was secure.  "We'll pack things up here and meet you back at headquarters."  Helly spoke up since Jin was preoccupied cleaning the area up, strangely enough something within Helly's voice was different, not the normal cheerful type that it usually was but colder.  Cold enough to know something was up, but they could figure that out later.  Right now, they had other priorities.
"So you’re saying he's done this before?"  Poli has been talking with Helly after noticing the pilot's strange behavior after their emergency call, so he figured it'd be good to sit down and talk hopefully figure out what was making him so upset.  Nodding slowly, Helly shuffled with his hands before continuing. "Yes, his name is Zared.  We went to flight school together, but he dropped out after he tried to do the same thing he did to Amber only with several more women."  Eyes widening at this Poli took a moment to process this.  "What happened afterward?"  He knew Helly most likely didn't like talking about this, but he wanted to know more since this was an assault case they were dealing with.  "Well, I actually caught him in the act after school one day with another one of our classmates doing the same thing he was doing to Amber."  A few tears had begun to form prompting Helly to wipe them away.  "I tried to stop him, but instead, he turned on me."  His voice was shaking as he went on, "The last thing I remember was Zared coming at me with a knife, so I put my arms up to try and block him, but wasn't enough to stop him."  Turning slightly, Helly moved the sleeve of his shirt up, revealing a long scar across his shoulder and arm which was enough to get Poli to gasp out as he stared at the injury as Helly continued on "Zared told me that if I ever tried to interfere again, he'd make sure I'd be dead before morning."  The tears were falling now moving Poli to wipe them away, pulling the pilot in hugging him close.  "You don't have to worry about him anymore, Helly, because as long as we’re around, no one will ever hurt you like that again."  Helly knew his words were true as he smiled nestling into the officer's hold.  "Thanks, Poli."  The two shared a moment before a knock at the door caught their attention, both turning to see Jin standing in the doorway, "Everything okay here?"  She walked over while Poli nodded. "We're fine, Jin. How's Amber?"  Jin looked back where Roy was before turning back to them.  "She's doing better, Roy's been comforting her since she's still shaken up by everything that happened.  That man really frightened her."  Poli sighed lightly, glancing back at Helly, who was now asleep, then to Jin."I'll get him to bed then meet you and Roy downstairs."  He picked up the sleeping boy climbing up the nearby set of stairs while Jin went back into the main room cleaning up the area some heading into the living room once she was finished settling down on the couch, "Just glad this day is over."   A small laugh came from behind looking up to see Roy walk over taking a seat next to her, "So am I.  And let's just hope this never happens again."  About to respond, Jin gave a nod but turned to see Poli coming into the room settling on her other side.  "Got that right, but as long as we stick together, there won't be anything we can't face."

Back in her room halfway asleep but still listening to their conversation, Amber knew that without a doubt, her teammates would always have her back, and it was true, despite every challenge they faced.  They were stronger together.  A family not by blood but a family by bond.  A bond strengthened by one another. 
And as for Zared well..................I don't think he'll be back any time soon.

A/N: Hope ya'll enjoyed!  And sorry for not posting in forever, things got crazy irl and I temporarily forgot about this 😅

Character designsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora