Bring your brother to school

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A/N: "This kind of writing are thoughts not actual spoken words and this kind of writing indicates flashbacks of people talking and writing that looks like "this" indicates a flashback where someone is talking. Last but not least these —— indicate the next chapter/section in the story. Hope that makes sense!)
Looking up from his desk Thomas usually hated his class lessons but this time was going to be different after his teacher told them that the class needed to bring their brother or sister to school next week, only for Thomas that posed a new problem because his brother lived on another island. "Um..Miss? What if your brother or sister lived on another island?" He wasn't entirely sure on what to do and his teacher's answer didn't really surprise him much either since she replied with I would just stay home then." Yeah that was pretty much the answer he was expecting to get along with the hushed whispers of his classmates, "It's obvious his brother doesn't love him." "Why does he even have a brother anyway?" "I mean he doesn't even have a dad." Not wanting to hear any more of his classmates taunting whispers Thomas got up leaving the room hurriedly not caring that school wasn't finished yet either, he just wanted to leave and go home.
Getting home about an hour later Thomas came into the kitchen where his mom Solana was making dinner, "Hi mom.." He set his bag down before walking over hugging her. "Thomas, why are you home so early?" She set the pan down hugging him back quickly noticing his saddened expression "Thomas, what happened?" She got up turning off the stove before leading him into the other room sitting next to him. "It's just...our teacher wants everyone to bring their brother or sister to school next week and when I asked her about what I should do if they lived on another island she just said I should just stay home. On top of that some of my classmates were saying how it was obvious that he didn't love me or that he cared about me." Solana couldn't believe what she had just heard, her son was being picked on by both his teacher and his classmates because his brother lived on another island? She wasn't about to let that slide quietly...not at all. "Don't let their words get you down dear, your brother loves you very much and you should know that." She gave him another hug as he hugged her back "I know mom. I know." But little did Thomas know was that there was a special surprise waiting for him. But that would just have to wait.
The rest of the school week came and went and before long it was Monday again, the day Thomas had been dreading. He didn't want to go to school but his mom persisted so he finally had to agree although he didn't want to face his teacher or his classmates. Getting to school he walked down the hall avoiding eye contact with the other students even though he could hear them talking about him again, "Did he really bother to show up?" "He must be desperate considering his brother doesn't care about him." Thomas was having enough of this, he knew his brother cared about him and he was tired of his classmates picking on him like this. "My brother does love me! He just can't be here because he has an important job where he lives!" Frowning one of the students walked over shoving Thomas against the wall "Oh shut up. Your brother isn't coming because he doesn't love you!" A few of the other students came around on the sides closing in "Face it, you're just a pathetic weakling who's brother doesn't even love him." The first student who had shoved Thomas against the wall tightened his grip on Thomas's shoulders until a new voice interrupted them; "Back away from my little brother." At first Thomas almost didn't believe what he was hearing but as soon as he looked up and saw his brother standing just a few feet away in his firefighting uniform he managed to push his attacker aside running to him "ROY!" Thomas jumped into Roy's arms hugging him tightly "I didn't think you were going to come.." He nestled closer into his brother's neck and chest while Roy just smiled warmly "I wanted to surprise you. I was already on my way here when mom called and told me what was going on." He paused for a moment before continuing "I've already let you down once, I don't plan on it happening again." Thomas didn't know what to say and he didn't need to say anything not when he knew that his brother was here. I'm just happy you're here big brother." "And I'm staying for the rest of the week."
Class wouldn't start for another half hour so Thomas had time to go to his classroom and surprise his teacher which he was more than happy to do so. "Morning miss." Thomas walked into the classroom seeing his teacher at her desk as usual when she looked up "Well look who decided to show up, did you just come here to be humiliated?" She had no idea that Roy was waiting outside until Thomas giggled smiling "I don't think you can humiliate me miss." He glanced behind him just as Roy walked into the classroom still in his firefighting attire stopping by Thomas's side. Miss Everheart, good to see you again." Roy looked at her as her eyes widened when she realized who Thomas's brother was; "I don't believe this...Roy?" In response Roy smiled nodding "Yep, and I see you have Thomas in your class this year." Looking over at Thomas Miss Everheart motioned him over "Thomas...I just want you to know that I'm truly sorry for the things I've said in the past, I shouldn't have said those things to you. You're one of my best students and you don't deserve to be treated the way you were. I just hope you can forgive me for what I've done." She had a feeling that he wouldn't want to forgive her but she was surprised when Thomas hugged her smiling "I've already forgiven you, I know you didn't mean those things and I just find it pointless to hold grudges. Everyone makes mistakes in their lives, but making mistakes is all part of learning and growing up. It helps us to understand each other better and for me that's much better than holding a grudge forever." It was fair to say that Miss Everheart was surprised by these words but she just smiled at him "You're just like your brother." The rest of the students walked in some time later with their siblings as well except it didn't look like any of them had any sort of career or profession, some of them seemed more interested with talking with each other or playing on their phones rather than anything else. And while Roy did have a phone he didn't really use it unless it was for short purposes mostly texts, calls, emails, etc. And with his work he really didn't get much time for it anyway. Thomas didn't have his own phone yet but he didn't know either that Roy was planning on surprising him on his birthday with his very own phone. That however was for another day.
The school day went on with each of the students introducing their classmates to their siblings, so far everything was going great until the sound of an all too familiar alarm rang out one that Roy knew instantly. "Get everyone outside now!" He was thankful he had his equipment with him but then again he almost always had it with him just in case which came in handy whenever there was an emergency. They were quick to leave the room except for Thomas who looked up at Roy "Will you be alright?" He was no doubt fearful but felt a bit better after Roy gave him a reassuring smile "I'll be okay little buddy. You better get outside with the others." They shared a quick hug before Thomas ran out to join the rest of his classmates.
The minutes turned into an hour then one hour became two and two became three and still the building continued to burn out of control. The town's own fire team had arrived battling the blaze from the outside while Roy remained inside fighting back the same roaring blaze. Roy could feel the flames tearing against his sides and arms but he continued to push back the blaze from the inside, choking back smoke and ash he had to back up shielding his face from the debris raining down while his lungs screamed in pain the entire time even with his face shield and respirator attached on. Looking around quickly realizing there wasn't anything else he could do at the moment, he needed to get out fast...but he never even got the chance as a sudden explosion erupted out throwing him off balance colliding roughly into a pile of burning debris jagged pieces of steel masonry and glass tearing into his side and leg ripping through his fire suit and deep into his skin. The pain shot through as Roy held back a scream blood spilling from the gashes staining the floor, managing to manuver himself away from the debris he pressed a hand to his side becoming increasingly worried the moment he could feel not only gouges of flesh and muscle hanging off but the splinters of bone mixed in realizing that he hadn't only suffered from external damage but internal at the same time, his ribs were no doubt broken and without treatment quickly broken ribs especially if they hit the wrong area of the body could be fatal. And unknowingly it would only get worse before it got better... "Mom...Thomas...Poli...Amber....Helly...Jin...I'm sorry I couldn't have done more..." Roy could no longer hold on and as the searing pain soon began to subside into a numbing ache he was able to take one last glance at his surroundings smiling faintly despite the shadows closing in around him "I'll see you soon dad..." Darkness drifted into view he could feel eyes closing and soon he lay still and silent.
How long had it been..? Minutes? Hours...days? Everything was a blurr of shapes and colors swirled around in patches of light and dark flashing in and out like lightning jumping from cloud to cloud. "We're losing him!" Voices? But from where? "Get the panels!" Where were they coming from? Should he follow them? "Come back to us son!" Mom..? "Please big brother! I need you!" Thomas...? Thomas?! Thomas needed him, he had to fight. Fight back...come on wake up. WAKE UP!!"
"Oww...why does everything hurt so much?" Roy's head was spinning by the time he managed to wake up although a part of him somewhat wished he hadn't, the sudden brightness from the lights caused him to quickly shut his eyes again wincing sharply until they reopened again hearing the familiar soft voice of his mother. "M-mom..?" He looked over to see his mother sitting in the chair next to him smiling with relief "Hey're you feeling?" She pulled his hand into hers "To be honest I feel like I got pummeled by a smoldering battering ram covered in spikes." He managed a light laugh before looking around worriedly "How's Thomas..?" He was more worried about his little brother than anything else at the moment but his worry turned to relief when his mom moved aside and he could see Thomas at the doorway, "Hey little bro.." He was taken aback by Thomas running to the side of the bed hugging him "I thought I'd lost you..." Roy hated seeing his brother's so upset and the most he could do was return the hug pulling him close "I'm so sorry Thomas, I know you hate seeing me like this." He knew Thomas worried about him a lot so for Roy it hurt more than any physical injury ever could when he knew his little brother was upset, but luckily he knew a trick that always worked and began to hum softly smiling warmly as he felt Thomas snuggle against his side, as long as his little brother was safe and happy Roy didn't care how bad his own injuries were. Wounds could be treated and broken bones could be mended but a broken heart was much harder to heal.

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