Don't blame yourself

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A/N: Just a short story of what happened after Roy hurt his shoulder in Season 4 episode 21.  Well my version lol.  Enjoy!

Roy knew he shouldn't have ignored his injury now he'd paid the price for his carelessness, what was he even thinking?! Then he realized it, he hadn't been thinking at all. Now he had really done it. "How much do you wanna bet Jin's gonna yell at me when we get back?" His attention turned to Poli who didn't really know what to say right away but replied after a brief silence "I'm betting a lot. You know how she is, let's just hope she can repair the damage."

Roy only nodded quietly glancing at his damaged arm, besides the fact that it hurt...a lot, the damage was bad, he just hoped it wasn't too badly that it couldn't be repaired. Sighing lightly he glanced back at Poli "I'm sorry, I should've listened when you told me to get my shoulder looked at. I don't know what I was thinking..." For Poli his gaze softened slightly after hearing this, he knew Roy was always the type to put others before himself, even when the odds were against him. "You've always put others before yourself, even when the odds are against you. Neither of us could've known that light post would fall and if anything this is also partly my fault." Of course the look he got from the firefighter wasn't too surprising, sort of a 'Are you kidding me?' kind of look. "Okay back it up, how is any of this your fault?" A brief silence passed between the two before Poli finally responded "The reason why this was partly my fault is that I didn't check the integrity of the light post after the boulders fell onto it. If I had actually seen that the boulder was supporting the light post I wouldn't have had you move it. So this is partly my fault too."

Roy knew Poli was right and decided not to try and push the conversation seeing they had gotten back to headquarters, Roy however didn't move but just stayed where he was hesitant to go any further. Turning back Poli could see his teammate's hesitation walking back over "'s alright. She'll understand." Hoping it would make him feel better he took Roy's hand giving it a gentle smile before letting go. He was thankful it worked as he saw Roy return a light smile "I think I'm ready now."

Needless to say Jin was already waiting for them, but after seeing her less than pleased expression Roy stopped looking down quietly not knowing what to say. He was almost expecting to hear Jin start yelling at him but it never happened, instead Jin motioned him over to which he complied to. "I messed up, I know that. I should've gotten my shoulder checked before and I didn't. I completely disregard an injury that I should've known would only get worse if I put more strain onto it. I guess I was just afraid to say anything." He paused for a moment before continuing "Everyone always sees me as brave and fearless, the one who's not afraid of anything...but in truth...I'm terrified. I'm afraid I'll mess up or I'll lose the ones I care for the most." The more he spoke the more he began to tremble, his eyes had already begun to water blurring his vision, "I should've spoken up and I didn't. It's my fault that the harbor warehouse caught fire, if I had actually looked for that last electrical panel I would've found the leaking water pipe and I would've been able to fix it." This time it was Poli who attempted to respond but he was cut off before he could even say a single word, "And I didn't! I completely disregarded the potential danger that was happening. My carelessness caused the damage, it's my fault the fire started!" By this point the tears of pain and guilt that he had been holding in all this time were now pouring out.

Now both Poli and Jin were pretty shocked by this, neither of them had ever known Roy to break down like this before and even Amber and Helly who had heard the conversation, they were surprised themselves to see what was happening.  "Roy...I never knew you felt that way." Jin's expression softened "You should never be afraid to tell me if something's wrong, you know I'm always here to help you guys."  Roy must've felt better after hearing that since he managed to give a small smile taking a few deep breaths to calm himself "I'll keep that in mind from now on."   Next thing he knew Roy found himself in the middle of a group hug, not that he minded though.  He just nestled in closer comforted by his friends.  Actually not

A/N: Time skip!

Boy it felt good to be outside again, after two weeks of being stuck indoors Roy was well extremely happy to be outside again.  It turned out his arm had only sustained minor damage so it was pretty easy for Jin to take care of however she had made him stay inside for two weeks just to be safe.  He still found ways to keep himself entertained, but now he was back outside and happier than ever.  Except he didn't get too far before he felt something wet and very cold hit him on the back, holding back a scream he looked behind him to see Helly holding a water balloon while laughing "Surprise!"  He had to duck to avoid a second one which well ended up hitting Amber instead, "Hey! No fair!" This time she grabbed her own water balloon hurling it right at Poli who had so conveniently happened to be walking by, jumping at the sudden surprise his attention turned to Amber smirking "Did you just throw a water balloon at me?" He got his response of another water balloon hitting him, this time by Roy who laughed before running away.  That was when Helly shouted out "FREE FOR ALL!" And that was how it went, four rescue team members running around the station hurling water balloons at each other as Jin watched from the sidelines, at least until she got hit too and joined into the fun.  

Yep things were back to normal.  And hopefully it'll stay that way. (Or at least as normal as it can lol)

A/N: hope ya'll enjoyed.  Let me know your thoughts down below!  

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