Chapter 6 ✭

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One Month later ◈

Arwan Mansion

"Mom, I'm going.... Hannan and my other friends are waiting for me! " Natasha yelled from the door way, as her mom come to the view "meri jaan (my love ) , please take care of your self and if your bank account run out of the money, just text me or your father okay? " Marvie said while she kissed her daughter forehead. "Okay, love you " saying this Natasha left from there.

"Bro... Itni deer laga di (you took so much time) " saying Maryam while rubbing her nape.

"Dafa ho (get lost) " Natasha playfully said as she sit on the passenger seat as Hannan was sitting on the driving seat.

"Where to go? " asked hannan as Natasha sign "AFC, centaurus, there is 50% sale on it " as Maryam and Fatima added "exactly".

Hannan drive to Centaurus mall , while they four can't stop talking.

Time skip ☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆

" and whe-" wahaj was cut off by Hannan.

"We are here " hannan said as they realized, they been talking fit so long that they didn't know they were here. All four (Natasha, wahaj, Fatima, maryam) start laughing.

**✿❀ soon ❀✿**

They all enter centaurus mall. "First,let's go to BONENZA STARANGI, there is 60% sale, man" Natasha said as all sigh her to let's go.

They all enter B-S as all do their shopping except boys, they were just standing aside.


Numan pov

Mom send me to bring some clothes for tuba as tomorrow is her birthday.
And we want to surprise her.

I know one secret about my sister is that.

She deep down love wearing desi and national clothes as I left to centaurus mall to bring her gifts.

I enter the mall and buy some dresses and chocolates for tuba, as i made my way to the top floor of Centaurus, so that I can eat something as I was feeling hungry.

I sit on my seat as I call the waiter "yes sir, how can I help you " asked the waiter "hm.. Bring some (order) and that's it " I said said he nodded and left from there.

I was sitting on my seat when....

Numan pov end ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

"I'm hungry lets go to top floor to eat sm " Natasha said as Maryam and Fatima nodded with small smile. "Huh.. Okay let's go" hannan said as they enter the elevator and reach the top
Floor of Centaurus. As Natasha was about to tell her friends about where to sit




Him -

Her eyes widened as she hide behind hannan.

Numan stands up from his seat "isn't she looks like that woman? " he asked him self.

Hannan turned around to face Natasha "what is it, nati? " hannan asked. "He's here " Natasha said "who's here? " hannan and wahaj asked in the same time. "That boy, your neighbor, numan" Natasha said as hannan turn around to see Numan coming towards


NATASHA saw him coming as she said "we have to run " hannan, Maryam, Fatima, wahaj look at Natasha with (what) look . "NOW! " Natasha said as she back off and run towards elevator as her friends run after her.

As numan saw Them running away, he also run after them to catch up with them. "HEY... STOP!! " numan said while running but only to make Natasha and her friends run faster. Numan speed him self as Natasha and her friends enter the elevator as the elevator immediately got close, numan stopped in front of the elevator just to see Natasha, bidding him good bye through her smooth and long fingers, numan gritted his teeths as he run down stairs.

"Why is he following us? " asked Maryam "dumb, I was the one to break into his baraat and do my dare " Natasha said while impatiently waiting for the last floor to come.

As they reach the ground floor, they run towards the exit of Centaurus as Natasha saw numan was running towards her , as she speed up and completely exit the Centaurus mall, and her way to parking lot. As she hide behind a black parado and tell her friends to shut their mouths.

Numan exit the Centaurus as he frustratedly punch his other palm as he made his way to his car.

(Note: he already had done putting tuba's stuff inside his car)

He went near his car as he saw Natasha shushing her friends .

"I need to talk to you, or else I'll send u to jail " numan threatened Natasha and her friends as Natasha flinched and look behind her and smile.

Now Natasha and numan were facing each other while Hannan, maryam, fatima and wahaj was sitting on the other table.

"You mistook me with someone else, sir, I'm married " Natasha lied. "Whom u r married with? " numan asked her with raise eye brow as Natasha clear her throat and start looking around.

"I-im m-married to that guy " Natasha pointed at Hannan, Numan glanced over his shoulder to look at Hannan and then he look back at Natasha. " he is my in front neighbor, and his mother is good friend of my mother, and there is no way that, Hannan's mother didn't give invitation to her only son's wedding " numan said with serious look on his face as

Natasha raise her both hands in defeat. " I surrender, man " Natasha said "are you the same girl who broke into my marriage? " numan asked as Natasha nodded with smile. "Why did u e-even do that? " numan asked again. "I got dare to do-" Natasha cut off by numan "ONLY BECAUSE OF FUCKING DARE, YOU RUIN MY FUCKING LIFE! " numan shouted in whisper so that no one can hear them.
" look, I never fail to do anything, so I did my dare so that I can win " Natasha folded her arms around her chest. (Crossed arms)

"A-and w-what about you with t-that belly? " numan asked as he avoid eye contact.
"Ohh.... That... It was a pillow" Natasha said with a grin. " because of your fucking prank or dare my life ruin, the love of my life left me cause of you, I n her was with each other from 10 years, and your just 3 minutes destroy me, huh... What a jerk u r " saying this he leaves from there as Natasha mouth fall open cause of jus words "10 years?, what have I done " Natasha said as she grab her face in embarrassment.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
Chapter end

Words limit=1102
14/august /2023

A/N: happy 14 August to all Pakistanis, our Pakistan is now 76 years old!! .

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