"She was Ruby and I's teacher as well," Yumena replied, nodding sadly.

"My class has a different English teacher, so I never got to meet her," Aqua admitted, "Ruby and I went to the memorial last weekend. Several former students of hers were there. They talked about how she had helped them, or changed their lives for the better. She seemed like a good person."

"I wonder who would kill a teacher like that."

"Well, everyone suspects her husband, especially since it's come out that he was cheating on her," Aqua said, shaking his head. He had been keeping up with the case online.

"What?! Really?!" cried Kana, "Their poor daughter!"

"That's a real shame," Yumena agreed, "He'll probably get charged."

"Most likely, especially since his alibi is that he was at home with his daughter, and kids that young can easily be manipulated into lying for his parents. Apparently your homeroom

teacher, Nakamura, was the last person to see her alive before it happened. He was a suspect because of that, but since they were never that close, and the murder was clearly done in a fit of rage, they decided it was a crime of passion, and that the husband was more likely the suspect," Aqua explained.

"Where do you even find that information?" Miyako queried, clearly disturbed.

"Lots of YouTubers investigate interesting crimes," Aqua said.

"Making money off the misery of families, I see," Miyako griped.

Aqua shrugged. "I just like to be informed."

"I feel so bad for Kimura. She deserved better. I wonder what she was thinking in those final moments. Or if she had any regrets? I know I did," Yumena said in a contemplative tone.

"You did?" echoed Aqua.

Yumena shook her head. "'Would', I meant. Sorry."

Aqua thought of his final moments of his last life. How he was trying so hard to get up and go help Ai, but he couldn't will himself to move. How alone he felt at that moment. How he regretted that he was in his thirties but he was unmarried with no children. "I think it's impossible to live without some form of regrets," Aqua found himself saying, "We just have to keep trying our best despite them, knowing we could die at any time."

"I don't know if I'm inspired or disturbed by that message, Aqua-kun," Kana teased in a deadpan voice.

"You're right," Yumena agreed. "I'll keep trying my best despite my regrets."

Aqua wondered what kind of regrets a person like Yumena would even have. As far as he could tell, she had lived to obtain her dreams. She was a good student, a good friend, and an excellent idol. Ah, he thought, maybe she wants love, like Ai did. Maybe she wants a boyfriend.


The room was bustling with activity as the three of us entered together. Frankly, I was surprised I made it here. I had to beg Kaburagi for a spot. I was honestly afraid I would have to sleep with him, but he gave in surprisingly easily, saying he would see what he could do. He supported me as an idol, and he was interested to see what I could do as an actress.

I had some experience with acting, but they were all musicals and had nothing comparable to the maturity of Tokyo Blade. I only had a minor role, but, surrounded by actors who had all acted in more serious projects before, I was nervous. I had to do well, even though acting wasn't my real reason for being here. I was actually here to monitor Aqua. This was the part of the story where he finds out he has a half-brother, and thinks his father died a long time ago, but it wasn't the truth. His father was alive, and he was a murderer. I had to keep him from getting caught in a red herring, and I had to find his father first.

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