Dead Man Dating

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The sisters Pheba, Piper and Phoebe were busy organizing a surprise party for Prue "Prue hates birthdays and she always knows everything" began Pheba who wanted to celebrate Prue's birthday, but also knew that their oldest sister would rather have a dinner then go big on what the other sisters wanted."Don't worry, this is going to be okay!" Phoebe was only a little too enthusiastic.

"Ssh" Piper says when she sees Prue and Andy standing at the front door and fears Prue overhears them.

Piper is there putting birthday invitations inside envelopes. Phoebe walks in "What are you doing? Prue's coming down. Put that away" says Phoebe when she sees the invitations.

"Phoebe, you were supposed to send these invitations last week, the party is Friday"

"We're right on schedule. The restaurant is reserved, the menu selected, the cake has been ordered" Phoebe tries to reassure her sister when she helps Piper put the invitations in a drawer.

"That's because I did all those things. At least tell me you've managed to buy Prue something other than your traditional birthday gift"

"What's my traditional gift?"

"A card, three days late" Pheba says as she enters the kitchen.

"Yeah, well, I decided to break that tradition and start a new one" says Phoebe proud of herself

"You bought Prue a gift? Where'd you get the money to pay for it?" Pheba wondered, and Piper couldn't help but want to know. Before Phoebe can answer, Prue walks in "Morning"

"Good morning. Hey, I forgot to ask; how was your date with Andy?" says Phoebe quickly

"Great, until he asked me to spend my birthday at a spa with him""Oh, I hate when they do that" says Phoebe sarcastically.

"For this weekend? You didn't say yes, did you?" enters a concerned Piper"Well, my body did... screamed it actually. But I don't know, I just have to think about it"

"A weekend of rest, rubdowns and room service. What's to think about?" Pheba takes a deep breath and Piper bangs a notepad down on the table. Phoebe remembers about the party. "I mean, uh, you could be right. Going away with a guy, is like..."

"It's like bringing them home to meet the parents. It changes everything. And if you're not sure if you're ready to make a commitment or not, you know, you don't wanna send the wrong signal" says Piper

"I thought you wanted to take it slow, isn't this a bit too fast?" Pheba was the only one trying to sound normal

"Plus, you need a week to prepare for a weekend away. I mean, there's lingerie shopping, waxing, manicure, pedicure. I mean, it's basically a full-time job and you've already got one. So you'll never be ready, not even if you started packing this second" came a rattling Phoebe

"wow" Pheba and Piper spoke at the same time

"Bottom line, unless you're ready to put your toothbrush next to his, you shouldn't go" Phoebe continued.

"You guys aren't trying to plan another surprise party for me, are you?" asked Prue, who thought Phoebe's behavior was suspicious.

"No, we just want you to be sure of what you want. And I think this might be a step too soon for you" replied Pheba.

"Well, that's good because you all know how much I hate surprises" Prue looked at her youngest sister "good advice Pheb" Prue said before she left the kitchen.

"Damn it, Phoebe. If you had sent Andy his invitation we wouldn't be in this mess" Piper growled

"Okay, what are you talking about? You heard Prue, she doesn't want a party. So you should be glad that I flaked, besides, you know as well as I do, she's gonna go away with Andy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a present to pay for. Which means I have a job interview" she said before walking away. Piper and Pheba looked at each other and sighed deeply.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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