Chapter 1

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Mum must've felt my hands start to sweat since she lets go and wipes her hands on her trousers, trying not to be offended I carry on walking behind her and we find a seat on Candor, many familiar faces, some members have decided to come watch. Everyones dressed prestigiously, all in black and white, the girls hair is slicked back in a neat bun, not a single flyaway to be seen. The boys hair is neatly slicked to the side, it really isn't a good look on them - another reason for me to leave. The room is arranged in a concentric circle with the sixteen year olds of every faction sitting in the section designated for them, I feel sick, everyones here now, theres no more wait. This is it.

The girl in front of me was behind me while we were lining up for the aptitude test, she is the definition of Amity. She was well spoken and honest, she didn't once jump to conclusion about anything but didn't judge me when i was rambling to her about every possible conclusion. She was the only person I spoke to that day, and I was the only one she spoke too. We both knew we weren't meant to be candors, we had that in common. However, we cherished our relationship with our parents and don't want to disappoint them.
She turns around and gives me that smile which isn't a smile, I know what shes trying to say. We're fucked.

The choosing ceremony begins, and the hub becomes silent. Marcus Eaton is hosting, he starts talking about our journey us initiates are about to take. He goes onto talk about how important it is to choose the right one, as if none of us knew that before.

"Polly Ziegler"

Its reverse alphabetical order.

Everyone turns there head to watch some blonde lanky girl walk down Abnegations stairs. She walks up onto the stage where she greets Eaton and grabs the knife on the stand without hesitation. On the stand it holds 5 bowls. The Candor bowl contains glass, the Erudite bowl contains water, the Amity bowl contains soil, the Dauntless bowl contains burning coals, and the Abnegation bowl contains grey stones. She leans her hand over the grey stones and the blood drips in. Abnegation starts clapping, some stand and some cheer. She looks happy. She didn't snake her own family, why wouldn't she be happy.

"Jade Lewis"
Eaton calls out.

The girl in front of me stands up.

"Oh no" I whisper under my breath. My mom turns and looks at me with that "shush" face.

Jade wobbles down the stairs, probably the most unclassiest Candor walk down so far. Like everyone else, she greets Eaton and grabs the knife, she cuts into her hand.

"Pick Amity, Pick Amity" I think to myself.

Her hand hovers over the soil and I let out a relief sigh but she quickly rushes over to the glass. I gasp. She turns around and looks almost disappointed in herself. If I was her I would be too, she pussyed out. Rookie error.

The whole stand starts clapping in sink again, no roar like what Dauntless do or no cheers like amity, just the same boring clap.

My legs shaking, not in fear but in worry I might regret. I've got to be next now, surely, 'Jade Lewis' and I'm 'Kayleigh James'

"Kayleigh James"

Mum squeezes my hand, "You know what to do" and she nods. I don't say anything back, not even the average "I love you." I don't remember ever saying "I love you" to mum, or anyone. Me and mum never got on like that. She would make sure I haven't ate anything I shouldn't of, that being I haven't ate over 500 calories today and thats it. She taught me how to be a young lady and I thank her for that but I never got anything other than "Thats not lady like Kayleigh."

I get myself up and walk down the stairs, what did she mean by "you know what to do" was that her reassuring me that its okay to not pick Candor? Or was it her telling me that everything I've ever done has lead up to this, for me too pick candor.

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