The high school romance

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Calvin's head buzzes as he hears murmurs around him, it takes a second before the after math of travelling to a different world subdues and he looks around to see he was sitting in a classroom and students are chatting quietly as the teacher turned his back to write on the board.

Calvin access system and learns about the world he is currently in, As suspected the plot is mainly about a high school romance.

The hero of the plot is Max, a handsome and charming 17 year old high school senior, he is a popular kid at school and excels at football, but not so good at studies, one day the teacher assigns a group project and Max and his friends make group but this time a new member was also added to the group and that was the heroine Kelly.

The teacher was afraid that Max and his group may not be able to finish the project and added a top student into the group, since Max was rich and powerful their family contributes a lot donations each year so of course the teacher couldn't neglect him at final year of school.

Kelly at first thought she will be with her friends but instead was thrown into a bunch of idiots so she had no choice but to compile with the teacher and accept her fate, Max dumped all the work of his and his friends on her and went to party all day so she worked hard, but as time progress more and more male lead gets to know her and he feels pity and helps her along.

By the end of the project Max and Kelly become friends but as their relationship grew stronger the project came to an end and Kelly gone back to her old friends, Max immediately felt sad and threatened her friends to stay away from her are else he will make sure they have no scholarship, since most of them were poor and only had grades and scholarships to support themselves all of them agreed and heroine felt sad as her friends alienated her.

Max and Kelly got closer and their friendship became more than that, but one day when Kelly was passing by a mall she ran into one of her friends and confronted them on why they abandoned her, when her friend finally said the truth as he was furious after Kelly insulted him, Kelly was shocked.

She broke up with Max and the hero chased after her to college where they finally reconcile and have a happy ending.

Looking at the data Calvin didn't had much response as he always reads tons of different plots he got used to these, he looked at his character who is also named Calvin, one of the perks of being a passerby is that nobody notices you so he can always have his own name.

Calvin as a passerby may not be in the plot a lot but he still has a life as any character in this world who after finishing their respected plot go back to having a normal life, Calvin from this world is no exception he is a second generation rich kid although he has not much money as hero, he was a lackey around the male lead and one of the member in the group project.

Calvin parents always made sure he had everything so he can blend in with Max, and hopefully get on his good side and Calvin always listened to his parents and been good with Max, he has not much lines and is there as friend who occasionally responds when male lead makes a comment.

When the hero and heroine went to college he went to a different one as heroine got into a prestigious college and hero got in because he donated a lot of money while Calvin couldn't afford that as his family was not as rich as the hero's, so he settled into a fairly good one and occasionally enjoyed some benefits from Max when he graduated and took over his family business.

Looking at this Calvin nodded his head approvingly he likes such characters since he can be close the the main leads and have an eye on errors that are occurring without having much effort in over all plot.

As Calvin looked at the time and realised it was time for lunch break he got up and when to the cafeteria, he looked around until he found the hero Max, as of any  the world's protagonists, The hero of this world was not any less in terms of looks. He was tall and strong and looked extremely handsome.

He made his way to the table and sat opposite to Max, and greeted him according to his character, Max was busy talking to his best friend Greg who also plays a important role later in college to reconcile the two lovers and is also rich.

Max just nodded his head as an acknowledgement and returned to speaking with Greg. Calvin spoke with the person who sat next to him Liam who was a close friend to Calvin. After a few moments later Calvin spotted Kelly joining her friends at far away table since this school is private most of the students come from rich background and some are attending with scholarships and for that one needs to be really intelligent and Kelly and her friends fall under this and are usually avoided by most students who only attend to socialise with other rich friends.

As he was wondering how all these lead characters are so good looking when he heard his name called and turned to see Greg looking at him.

"Yes?", He asked

"I was asking whether if you want come to Max's house later school?"

Calvin nodded as he looked at Max who was now chatting with Liam, Max saw Calvin looking at him and gave him a smile, Calvin quickly returned to his food as he couldn't digest how good looking these people were. The Calvin from this world is not any less in terms of charm but still he was nowhere near hero and heroine.

After the lunch he went to his class but didn't forgot saying bye to Max, since he was a lackey he needs to act like one, as he went on his way, Greg couldn't help but whisper,

"He is a little weird today."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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