Part 3: Realization of a terrible fate

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I could barely sleep that night, so I did what every person would do in my situation: Spend all the night in my computer searching for answers on the internet. But in the end, I succumbed to the gentle arms of morpheus. The dream I had was confusing: First I dreamt, or more accuratey, recalled all the fight and I recalled another thing, my friend Liam Squire, the first friend I made here in Stoker, but he dissapeared a year after we met and sometime after that the police found a shapeless body on the sewers, that was his body, I remember the pain that new brought me. All the dream was stained by an unbereable pain in my groin, like that fever dream I had were my eyes felt like they were burning, so in a similar fashion, it didn't woke me up

Liam was a shy guy, bullied by the likes of chad and darnell, I met him during my introduction to Valentine Academy, and since then we were friends, he was a recurrent, the fourth member of our gang of nobodies, acting as the shy of the group and like the moral support when things went badly. His death was devastating to all of us, and then, with a timing so close that it was suspicious, Laurel appeared, I suppose that the reason why I fell in love with her is because she looked like something that came out straight of a paint, her sole appearence was some kind of art which helped me overcome Liam's death. I know it's a bit dehumanizing but that's how things were. Now that I know Laurel is a vampire, she looks like the prime suspect of Liam's death, but thinking it through, she was not even in the city when he died so it was unlikely, though Liam said he was going to visit some family in england, and Laurel came from england. I couldn't get over the feeling of frustration and anger that possesed me, I didn't even knew why,  but it was enough to make me dream feverly of blood and fights. These things kept my mind bussy like a subcoinscious way to keep my mind out of the pain

When I woke up I felt much happier, energetic and lighter, which was strange considering how I spent the night between the memories of a dead friend and an intense pain on my groin. I literally jumped off my bed, curiously enough one of the first things I did was to see myself in my full body mirror: my chest was a little more puffier than yesterday, my skin more smooth, lengs a bit longer, and my body was a bit skinnier, even my face was a had gone smoothier. Somehow I felt good, more relaxed.

''Good morning'' I said greeting my aunt who was making pancakes for breakfast

''You surely are lively this morning'' Said my aunt with a smile on her face ''Who are you and what have you done to my nephew?''

I laughed and gave her a hug. ''I don't know, I just feel really good this morning. Maybe the coma revitalized me a bit''

She raised an eyebrown but laughed nonetheless

But during my trip to school my mind went directly to it. The memory of the fear, hatred and pain was still fresh on my mind, in any case I just thought that it was something beneficial as it would be useful to think things straight

When I got to Stoker a few girls even smiled at me and I felt confident enough to smile back at them, which turned on some red faces (and not only of girls). It was the beginning of a great day, it was going to be a great day

I could FEEL it

Feel it......

In that moment I realized something: I couldn't feel it. My eyes went wide in surprise and Ramone and Walt soon noticed that

''Are you ok?'' Said Walt, puting his hand on my shoulder. A tingle went through my whole body when I felt his hand. Something inside rumbled. Something I never felt in my life. I bolted right to the toilets without minding if I collided with someone, my sole preocupation was to know if THAT was still there. Then when I reached them I practically sprinted towards the cubicle and then when I checked inside my pants I realized the truth: IT was gone 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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