Chapter 9 - The Partyyyyy

Start from the beginning

"You in?" Steven says, turning to Connie.

"I think it's exactly what mom would have wanted," Connie says, giving us his approval.

"Alright, great! Everybody take a shower then a power nap. I'm putting you guys to work after!" Belly tells us excitedly.

After I shower, I find Jeremiah waiting for me right outside my door. His hair is still wet from the shower he took before me. Without a word he takes my hand and guides me to his room. Jere takes a seat on the floor and tugs me down with him, "Nap time!"

"We're seriously sleeping on the wooden floor?" I give him a I'm not doing that look.

"It's good for your back but, whatever," Jeremiah sighs, "I guess you don't have to sleep on the floor."

"What does that mean?"

"You can just sleep on top of me," Jeremiah shrugs. And then he picks me up and lies me down on top of him, with my head on his chest. Jere's arms wrap around me, and he lets out a long sigh. I look up and see a smile playing on his lips. I shuffle to get more comfortable and not too soon after, I fall asleep.

"You didn't make them do anything because they're cute?!?" I hear a voice say from outside the room, slowly pulling me from my slumber.

"Just take a look, they're adorable," Taylor's voice registers but I still can't open my eyes. Too tired.

"Awww, they are cute!" I hear my sister whisper before the click of a photo being taken jerks me awake.

"Owww, try to be a little gentler when you get off of me next time, Cass!" Jeremiah says from below me.

"Come on, Cass, we're setting up the food downstairs," Belly informs me before dragging me away. I cast one last glance at Jeremiah, of course that stupid pissbutt is smirking at me.

While setting up the food and stuff, Skye brings up the topic of kissing, "So, do I immediately put my tongue in their mouth?"

"If the spirit moves you," Of course that's Taylor's answer.

"What if I don't have the spirit?"

Belly comes in jugging mass amounts of supplies, "Help, please!" We rush to help her.

"Ok so I part my teeth first and then stuck my tongue out?" Someone get Skye step by step instructions on kissing so we don't have to continue this conversation!

"What are you guys talking about?" Belly asks with the most horrified expression.

"Apparently, Skye's never kissed anybody," Taylor answers.

"Which is completely normal and fine!" Belly reassures them.

"I know! Externally imposed societal expectations of 'normal' have no effect on me," I give Skye a half-hearted high five, focusing on how to open this stupid bag. "That being said, I have decided I am ready and willing and would like to know what to do. Is there any situation where it's all teeth and no tongue?"

"Jesus, just let yourself be in the moment," I tell them, hopefully ending this godforsaken conversation.

"Just make sure they moisturize," Taylor says. When we all give her puzzled looks, she elaborates, "Milo is obsessed with lip balm. It honestly changes the game." I'll make sure to lock that little piece of information in my head to let Steven know.

"Just don't overthink it." Belly utters, exasperated.

I step outside intending to get some fresh air after Taylor, Skye, and Belly collectively attacked me to get me to share my experience kissing Jeremiah. But instead, I find Jere about to head inside with a box full of stuff. Great, now I'm blushing even harder. I look away for a second, intending to cool my face off before he sees my tinted cheeks. We meet halfway and I see Susannah's old roller skates. I rush forward quickly meeting him. "Oh my god! I haven't seen these in forever!" I say picking up the roller skates.

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