Chapter 5- Path to a Real Family

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"Hey, I'm just curious. But have you actually been working on the lectures?" Asled Izuku breaking the silence.

"Well yeah, I still need good grades in order for me to get into UA, I can't just rely on my quirk" said Katsuki.

"Oh, I see" said Izuku.

At that moment, Katsuki realized that maybe he shouldn't have brought up UA, as he didn't know how Izuku felt about the topic. He looked back at Izuku, just to check if he looked uncomfortable, but he still only saw a look with not much care. Though it doesn't help that he was also looking extremely tired.

"Now it's my turn to ask" said Katsuki "How many lectures have you missed or slept through?"

That question alone was enough stop Izuku's thoughts. To be quite frank, he doesn't exactly know himself. He's been drowning in his own thoughts and loneliness for most of Junior High that he just can't recall.

"I, can't remember when...I just know it's been for quite a while now" said Izuku.

"Yeah, I thought so" said Katsuki as he began to look into his bag. Out of his bag, he pulled out some notebooks and handed them to Izuku. "Take them, write down everything and study them. You can't fail Junior High. It'd be embarrassing."

Izuku took the notebooks as they continued to walk. He would then pull his backpack from his back and place the notebooks inside. It was interesting for Izuku to now realize how much Katsuki has really changed, he still has some remnants of his old personality but not the ones. He even goes as far as to hold back some of those parts. The difference is clear as day.

After a while, the two had finally reached the house. The two stepped in as they took off their shoes and placed the shoe pairs next to eachother. Katsuki called out to their parents that they were home but no one replied back, so the two assumed they must've been out still.

The two then walked to their respective rooms where they would do their own things. Katsuki would start working on some assignments while Izuku would only lay down in his bed with the lights off in his room. He was overall just feeling lost and confused after everything that's happened. On one hand, he's grateful that he has found new people that care about him, even Katsuki trying to redeem himself. But on the other, he still feels some sorrow. Today proved that there are still those who will show hatred towards him because of his misfortune of being quirkless. He doesn't know what to do with himself or his future.

Izuku got up from laying down, still sirring down on the bed. As he looked around, he saw his backpack which he tossed at the side when he entered his room. After staring at it for a while, he decided to get out the notebooks Katsuki let him borrow. Walkimg over to his desk, he turned on the lamp in the desk. He pulled out a pencil and notebooks and began to jot down the notes.

As time flew by, Mitzuki and Masaru returned to the house. They announced their returning to Izuku and Katsuki to which they both came out around the same time. With that, Mitzuki showed them that they brought some food for them to eat for dinner. At the dinner table, Mitzuki was smiling when she saw that Katsuki and Izuku didn't seem to have anymore bad blood between them. She recalled the day before when Katsuki admitted to her and Masaru about what happened between them two in the past.

"And that's what happened, I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner" apologized Katsuki to his parents.

"I see, well thanks for telling us" said Masaru.

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" Said Mitzuki.

Katsuki looked up at his mother, seeing her serious expression.

"I... I want to apologize and get his, I want to atone for my mistakes" said Katsuki.

"Good to hear" said Mitzuki proudly and pulling his son into a hug "I belive in you, my son."

Katsuki hugged her back.

"Thanks mom" said Katsuki.

Back to the present, Mitzuki was beggining to think on what their future would look like. Hoping that they get as close as real brothers. Masaru would pay attention at the look of his wife and couldn't help but smile, knowing she's happy about Izuku and Katsuki. The family of four now continued to eat as they also talked with eachother. Both parents could see that it was still a bit awkward between the two but they definitely saw improvement, and that alone was enough to make them happy. They were on the path of becoming a real family of four.

After they finiahed with dinner, they all got up and cleaned their dishes. Izuku and Katsuki thanked their parents for the meal and went back to their rooms to finish their own work. Mitzuki and Masaru walked to the living room sitting on the couch beside eachother and turned on the TV. However, when switching to the news channel there was some breaking news that was a little alarming.

"We bring some alarming news about a possible new villain threat. There three counts of dead bodies found around different cities. Description of the bodies follows as: a dark hole in the chest, black veins popping out stretching from the hole, and eyes turned entirely dark. As for the real cause of death is unknown but it is suspected to be the cause of the villain's quirk. As for the time they were attacked, it is estimated to be last night. Heroes and investigators are on the search of this new threat. With that, we urge that civilians are careful around night hours, as this needs threat may attack again" said the News lady as they began to talk about other news.

Mitzuki and Masaru looked at eachother with a slight worry about the news but they believed that the heroes and authorities would take care of it. But only time could tell what the outcome would come to be.


Thanks for reading this new chapter. There wasn't that much new stuff in this but the next chapter will definitely have more. Anyways that's all.

Hope to see you next time!

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