Chapter 2 - New Bonds Meet an Old One

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A few days had finally passed by before Mitsuki was finally on her way to pick up Izuku. While waiting for her to arrive, Izuku had already been through the process of cremating his mother. Ever since that day, any free time Izuku had, he spent it in a dark room holding onto the container of his mother's ashes, never speaking a word to another individual. He never went back to school after that, not like the other students and teachers would notice or care. So in the meantime Izuku was provided shelter till Mitsuki arrived to pick him up.

When Mitsuki had heard of Inko's passing, she immediately left the trip she was on with her husband far from the city. Her husband went along, knowing how urgent this was to her. It's been awhile since he's seen her cry like that.

Mitsuki had finally arrived to the location where she would pick up Izuku. She also dropped off her husband at their house to prepare a room for him. Mitsuki in a hasty manner parked her vehicle. She closed the door to her car and locked it with her car keys as she ran inside the building. She looked for the front desk and after spotting it made her way there.

"Hey, I'm here to pick up a boy called Izuku Midoriya, he has big green hair and-" said Mitsuki in a frantic manner.

"Okay ma'am, don't worry, we have the kid your talking about. But, he hasn't said a word so don't expect him go talk" said the woman as she asked someone to bring Izuku.

After a few minutes, Mitsuki was sitting at a chair, figeting with her hands as she waited. While she waited, she thought on what the lady at the desk said about Izuku, it worried her. Finally, Izuku arrived and once Mitsuki saw him she ran up to him, kneeling infront of him and grabbing his shoulders.

"Izuku! I'm so sorry it took me days to arrive but I'm here now" said Mitsuki looking at him.

Izuku looked up for a few seconds then looked back down at the glass container. Mitsuki looked back down at it, and noticed once he read the name on the vase. It was enough to bring Mitsuki to tears and bring Izuku in for a hug. Izuku would also let some tears trail down her face and onto her shoulders.

The two were now on their way home, with most of the drive being quiet. Izuku was sitting in the passenger seat next to Mitsuki, still holding the container. Mitsuki would try to start conversations with Izuku to try and break the silence but no luck in making Izuku converse with her yet. It didn't help that Izuku himself was also not excited about having to live with his past bully.

"You know Izuku, I've known Inko ever since highschool. We were honestly really close friends and hanged out a lot of the time after school. We did almost everything together. Im honestly surprised she managed to keep up with my troubling attitude back then,but was fun. After we finished Highschool we went to the same college together as well. Like I said,  we were close. But when we entered out adult life,  we got busy with out own things such as jobs and serious relationships. It wasn't like Highschool or college where we would hang out everyday, but we still kept in touch" Said Mitsuki getting nostalgic at reliving the memories.

Izuku was paying close attention to every word she said and looked up at her as she told her stories about her and his mom. He noticed just how close she was with his mother, that he wasn't the only one who cared for his mother. Mitsuki looked at him back and gave him a small smile, happy to see him so invested in her stories with Inko.

"Your mother and I made a promise to eachother, that if anything would ever happen to us, we would always be there to support and help eachother. That included taking care of eachothers children as if they were our own. So Izuku, I will keep my promise to your mother, I'll make sure your mother sees you grow up to be an amazing man" said Mitsuki with some small tears at the corner of her eyes.

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