Chapter 9 - Birdsong

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Usually, the tower overlooking the lands outside Underbridge was a source of comfort and tranquility to Tika. It was her little private corner of the world, her secret sanctuary isolated from all of her mundane troubles. But tonight it scared her. She stared up at the tower, her hands wringing together nervously over her chest. The tower loomed over her like a titan, cast into shadow by the overhead backlight of the pale ring.

But there was still the whistling coming from the roof. That gentle, beautiful sound that had first drawn Tika's attention in Archshade. The melody was unfamiliar to Tika. It wasn't the peaceful, relaxing tune she had heard the first time or the upbeat and lively one she'd heard on the day of the festival. This was somber, a meandering melody that, every so often, trembled with barely contained emotion. A chilly autumn breeze howled through the streets, making Tika shudder. The whistling above her quivered to match. It must have been freezing up there.

Tika took a deep breath. Come on, you stupid bird, she thought to herself. This might be the only chance you're going to get to apologize. Go up there and make this right!

With that thought resonating in her head, Tika stepped into the tower and began the climb. The darkness within was profound, her only source of light coming from shafts of dull silvery light peeking in through the gaps in the walls. They did little to light her path, leaving her to rely on memory to make the ascent. She kept a hand to the wall and her eyes up. With every step, the whistling became clearer.

The climb felt like an eternity, but soon enough Tika ascended the ladder and stepped onto the roof. She saw Avaline up ahead. The woman was leaning over the railing, her back to Tika. The whistling had stopped. Tika froze, waiting with bated breath to see if Avaline would say anything.

She didn't.

Finally, Tika cleared her throat and spoke. "Avaline? Can I stand next to you?"

Avaline didn't say anything. An almost imperceptible nod of her head a few seconds later was her only answer. It was enough for Tika. She came to Avaline's side, careful to keep a few feet of distance between them, and leaned over the railing too. She could hear Avaline breathing next to her, slow and measured, but tense, like a coiled spring. Tika chose not to say anything for the time being.

The two must have stood in silence for several minutes. In the end, it was Avaline who broke the silence. "I knew someone would find out about my enchantment sooner or later. I couldn't keep it a secret forever... I just wish it hadn't been you."

Tika nodded quietly, but she didn't say anything.

Avaline took that as her cue. "You've been so good to me since we met, Tika. You know, when you first came up to me down on the docks, I was delighted to meet you... until I found out you were an enchanter. When I learned that, I wanted to send you away and never see you again... Because I was afraid you'd find out and rat me out to the Assemblage."

Tika winced, unable to deny a sting of hurt in her heart at that admission. She glanced sideways at Avaline but found that she was unable to read the girl's expression. Tika turned to face her. "Then... why didn't you?"

Avaline gave a small, sad smile, but her eyes never left the horizon. "Because you were so sweet. And funny. And cute. And kind... And you were so passionate about what you do. I couldn't be scared of you when I saw how happy your work made you. And when I was showing you around, you made me laugh and smile more than any of my other friends have in a long time." she looked down, and her smile faded. "After all that, I couldn't make myself send you away, no matter how scared I was."

Tika nodded along, returning her gaze to the horizon. She spotted an owl flitting by in the distance, free as the wind and barely visible as a black, fluttering dot against the ring.

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