𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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Taylor's POV:

I was finally gonna start my first day at school. I wasn't sure why I was excited, because most new kids get bullied. But I was just happy that hopefully, I could make a new friend. Or maybe even get a boyfriend my dad wouldn't know about. Whatever happened, I knew that I was gonna be happy here. And hopefully, my new friends will support my singing and songwriting.

I walked downstairs, to see my mom cooking breakfast. She made some crepes with ham, cheese, and egg. That was my favorite and she always made them when we had special events. And that's not a bigger event than starting your first day at school? I grabbed a crepe from the batch and noticed the time.

I'm gonna be late!

Grabbing my backpack and lunch, I told my mom goodbye, and I headed out the door. If I could run fast enough, then I could catch the bus at the next neighborhood stop. Screwing my running idea, I grabbed my bike and biked to the stop. I saw the bus just barely coming to the stop. When I made it. I texted my parents to come pick up my bike when they had the chance. I didn't want it to get stolen, just in case I need it for other days like this one.

I sat down on the bus, and I suddenly began to feel a little bit anxious. Two very tall-looking guys got onto the bus. The taller one has dark brown curly hair, with gorgeous green eyes. And boy, he's gotta have had trillions of girlfriends. I hope that he has a great personality so that way we could at least be friends. Seeing the hot, tall guy made me calm down a little bit and I wasn't entirely sure why.

He had walked over to his friends, and they all seemed a little bit cocky. But the guy's brother was standing by the side of the seat. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked. He seemed kind, and I was glad someone was already showing kindness. I nodded politely at him.. "I'm Joel. You must be... Taylor? At least I think that's what the teacher said." He laughed.

"Yeah, I'm Taylor," I said, joining him in a shy laugh.. "You think you could show me around the school when we get there?" I asked. I did do a tour of the school, but I don't remember it all too well. And I don't wanna look like a lost loser when I get there.

"Of course. I wouldn't leave a new kid all alone." Joel disclosed. I think I'm pretty lucky to have him as my friend. He seems like such a great person, and he was exactly the friend I was looking for.

The bus drove for quite a while. The cocky boys in the back were being very loud, and it was getting in the way of Joel and me telling each other things we like to do and our plans for the future. "Luke! Settle your stupid friends down!" Joel yelled after he jerked his head back. Luke laughed and smirked at him, but his friends still didn't settle down. And Joel just sighed afterward.

"Your brother seems much different than you do?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that's for sure. He just always thinks of himself, instead of others. I honestly don't know where his stupid attitude comes from, because it surely isn't our family." Joel explained. If I was being honest, it was probably Luke's friends, but I haven't known him my whole life. Or he's just always been like this.

"Oh um... maybe it's his friends?"

"Nope, he's been friends with them since second grade. There's just really no way to explain this behavior." Joel sighed. I felt bad for him. Joel seemed like a pretty good guy and didn't deserve Luke as a brother. I'm gonna be the best friend I can be to him! And I'm always gonna make sure he feels appreciated!

We made it to school, and I found my locker. And I was very fortunate that mine was right next to Joel's. I saw Joel's brother and his cocky group of friends. They seemed like they were ready to go somewhere, and it wasn't their first class. Joel tapped me on the shoulder and looked away. "Don't. They're gonna ruin you."

I realized he was right, and we headed to our first period. I was thankful that once we compared our schedules, we had pretty much the same classes all the way through. At least that way I would never feel lonely, and if I did, I could just glance over. He would probably start being himself for a few seconds without the teacher noticing. Or maybe he just gets in trouble when he does that with his other friends.

We got to our first period, which was music class. We both had the same interest in becoming a musician, so it worked out since we both could have the same electives. Luckily, the music teacher let's students sit wherever they want, so Joel came and sat by me. I gave him a smile and looked at the board. He just shrugged. "Mr. Martin usually has some sort of warmup, but I guess he wasn't feeling it today," Joel explained. "We must have some sort of free period today."

"Ooh, first class at my new school, and I already get a free period," I remarked. Joel and I laughed a little. Just as we laughed, Mr. Martin wrote "free period" on the board.

"So you moved to Tennessee, why?" Joel asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Well, all musicians get popular in Nashville, so."

"Heh, makes sense. I'm gonna be a musician one day too." We both smiled at each other. After the bell rang, we both headed off to our next class.

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