13: the bashful beau

Start from the beginning

Kim Dokja, who was trying to process what he just heard: "..." What am I? Who am I? Where am I?

Yoo Junghyuk, who grew irritated with each word that Ahn Binna spouted: "..."

Lee Gilyoung, who had been listening silently: "... does that mean I get to call hyung papa?"

Ahn Binna, who held prejudice against Gilyoung a moment ago: "That's right! You have to call me auntie!"

Gilyoung: "Aunt!"

Binna: "Again!"

Gilyoung: "Aunt!"

The people who overheard the entire conversation: "..." Does that mean... they're married now?

Ahn Eun-Byeol, who had been listening the entire time: "..." Binna-ah~ brother will make sure to spoil you rotten later~


"Binna-ah~ how's my favorite little girl?~"

"Your favorite little girl wants a kiss~"

They watched Eun-Byeol, who had always been cool, amiable, and  petty, blow a kiss towards his sister.

They watched Binna, who was boisterous, feirce, and brave, catch the kiss and pose like Superman.

"..." This short interaction cemented the Ahn siblings' image of being weirdos in everyone's mind.

Kim Dokja felt all his energy get drained just watching them. After Yoo Junghyuk left, not without having an altercation with him of course, they decided on a course of action. From what his sunbae said, sunbae's sister, Binna, seemed to have been followed by the disciples all this time. She never knew the First Apostle's name but she definitely wished for that person's death to come.

From her recollection, the First Apostle annoyed her from the very beginning, especially when she mentioned how that guy cursed her brother to death.

When Dokja heard this, he almost choked on air.

Was that the reason why I don't know about sunbae's role in the novel?

But I've never read about Ahn Binna either.

I'm lacking so many information that I feel like I'm charging in blind towards war.

There's one thing I'm most curious about. If sunbae was destined to die in the novel, then what changed that made him survive this time around? The only reason why Kim Namwoon died, and why there were more survivors in our area at that time, was because of me. Then, what about in the cabin where sunbae was in?

The reader couldn't come up with anything from the current information he knew.

But if he were to describe the situation, it was like as if someone inserted two characters into an existing novel—like a fanfiction or something like that. The events were still the same but they were tweaked to suit the new characters.

Anyway, I'll think about it more at a later time. We only have less than two days to finish this scenario.




A drop of sweat rolled down Kim Dokja's cheek. The moment he opened his eyes from sleeping, he met a pair of intense brown eyes gazing into him. They were so close that Dokja could feel the other person's breath.

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