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chapter ten: quote and unquote☆•°

Camille's POV

We then arrived at the library and as always, my uncle was there in peace, he saw us coming in and gave us a firm nod.

"Bonjour, ma chére." He waved at us and placed the book down on the table and stood up. "Bonjour à toi aussi mon oncle, I was wondering if you can decipher this quote from the book." I said as I gave him the book.

It took only a minute for him to decipher and let out a chuckle. "Oh, mon chére, mon chére, wherefore art thou mon chére? Is this a clue I see before me?" He said poetically as I let out a giggle from my uncle's words, now that he mentioned that that quote seemed familiar.

Archer blinked as raised an eyebrow with confusion written all over his face. "Quit talking in riddles, Dupont. What have you got on the message your niece found in the castle?" He asked as my uncle had an innocent smile on his face.

"Quel dommage, you didn't pay attention in school, Archer. Then you'd be able to recognize this message is from your killer like my niece." He said as he gave me back the book. Archer seemed shocked.

"What!? How did you work that out, Cam?" He asked me as turned to me with a confusing look on his face once more. "It's pretty easy, as soon as my uncle said the quote, I knew that the message was from the hands of the killer." I said with a firm and my uncle agreed to me.

"'When begars die, there are no comets seen' is a quote from Shakespeare's play, 'Julius Caesar'. But then the next line is: 'The heaven themselves blaze forth the death of princes'." He explained as Archer gasps loudly.

"The death of princes!? This Shakespeare quote is about dead Princes! Like our victim." He said with a shocked tone in his voice as my uncle and I nodded at each other. "I also noticed horse hair and the scent of tea all over the book, this means just one thing. You are looking for a killer who quotes Shakespeare."

We then bid farewell and left the library, Archer sighed heavily. "Jeez, I was afraid Dupont was about to recite the whole of Romeo and Juliet!" He said as he sweatdropped, already thinking of how my uncle would do that. Honestly, for me it would be pretty funny if my uncle did recite the whole play, then again we wouldn't have enough time for that since we are busy on the case.

"We should check the theater again, maybe the killer left some clues there." I advised as we got out of HQ, he looked at me and nodded. "You're right, if the killer is such a Shakespeare fan, they must have spent a lot of time in that theater. Let's go check it out again!"

And before I knew it, he dragged me all the way to the theater without giving me anytime to run properly. Honestly, I hope no girls even Marina would date him when he's constantly dragging people all the time.


We arrived and surprisingly the creepy monk wasn't around, which was good, we then started on searching for more clues and I saw some torn papers on the floor right next to the well, and before I could even talk to Archer about it, there was a carrier pigeon sitting on his shoulder, its eyes wide open like its about to fall off from its eye socket, its head twitching like crazy.

And before he could touch the bird, it started fighting him, sqwuaking and pecking on his face and its claws scratching everywhere while Archer was struggling on getting it off him.

"YOU SON OF A-" He managed to remove the pigeon and also got the note attached from it at the back. He sighed heavily as he was starting to smell.. really bad like really bad.

"That. Was. Horrible." Archer mumbled as he removed the feathers off his hair and immedietly sniffed at himself, gawking himself in disgust. "I managed to retrieve this scroll on its back and-" He said as he imnedietly paused, shocked by the message.

"The scroll from the pigeon said 'The Prince is finally dead!' with a hidden code. Someone must be sending a message about Prince Albert." He remarked as he gave the the scroll with the code a bit blurred but I can fix it in no time.

"In the meantime, I'll rearrange the torn pieces you found on the well - don't worry I know how to restore it. I guess." Archer laughed awkwardly as I let out a facepalm and looked at the code and began deciphering it.

A few minutes went by, I managed to decipher the code under the message: 'SQR GH2' - it was just a simple subsitution code, I know how to translate it but I wanna check if I'm correct or not, and it translates to the creepy monk's name. And Archer managed to restore the pieces, revealing a painting of the Prince and the Count together, which we're probably going to give it to the Queen after we decipher the subsitution code.

"Hmm, we definetely need Elliot for this code. I already warned you though.. he's a weird kid but he'll solve that code in no time." Archer reassured me as he sighed. "Is he really that weird or.." I trailed off as he just shrugged at me.

And then we both went back to HQ, going to find the Bureau's hacker and can almost feel like we can now arrest the Prince's killer in a heartbeat.


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