[case 1]

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chapter three: god save the prince☆•°

Shortly, we arrived at our destination, and looked around the quiet lane, the reports said they heard thumping and muffled screams somewhere around here. I felt a weird aura around here as we looked around, that's when I noticed the phonebooth, it was closed and there was some green gas leaking out of the vent on the bottom.

Walking towards it, I grabbed my handkerchief and covered both of my mouth and nose - just in case if its poison or anything. Opening it, a body fell down and landed on its stomach, the gas pouring out in the open.

"Hm? I'm guessing a body in a phone box is not an everyday London occurence." Archer snickered as he saw the lifeless body and walked towards me. "His face looks swollen, like he was suffocated." "No shit sherlock." I said as I crouched down, looking at the corpse's clothes and it seemed like this guy is part of the royal family or just dressing up as one.

I used my hand and gently flipped the body over, revealing the Prince Of England. That immedietly changed Archer's face expression.

"Wait a minute! I know who this is, Camille! It's Prince Albert! He's the heir to the British throne!" Archer exclaimed with wide eyes as I backed away from the gas that was still leaking out. "Again, no shit sherlock." I chuckled as I removed the handkerchief off my nose and mouth.

"This is huge! Who'd want to kill a royal? Everyone loves the royal family! I'd better call the chief and update her." He said as he took out his phone and started dialing the chief. "Okay, I'll go and look for clues around here." I nodded and walked around, there was a few broken pieces on the street, I carefully placed each piece on my handkerchief and kept it in my pocket for safekeeping.

I could hear Archer's worried voice on the phone as he talked to the Chief. He ended the call with a sigh and looked at me sadly.

"Okay, Camille, first we get this body to Angela. She's our genius coroner. She'll be able to tell us about the prince." He said as he walked up to me and looked at the Prince's lifeless body. "Found anything else besides the body, Cam?" He asked, already giving me a nickname, that I don't really mind at all since I'm getting comfortable with him, it's like having a big brother who is a massive idiot.

"Well, I found these pieces." I said as I took out my handkerchief and opened it, revealing the small metal pieces. "Some broken metal pieces. Alright, let's see how fast can you put them back together!" He said with an encouraging smile, he reminds me alot of Jones.

Someone then bumped us out of the way, "Excuse me, out of my way! I've a jolly important meeting with jolly important fellows at the bank." The stranger said as he was speed walking through the rain with a heavy British accent. Kinda made me forgot that old Brit men are hella rude, nkt everyonr but just some of them.

"Excuse yourself, pal. This is a crime scene! There's a dead body, if you haven't noticed." Archer said with his eyebrow raised, which made the stranger turn and looked at us shocked. "Goodness gracious! That's the Prince! I... thought I saw something near that telephone box, but I never-" "You saw something near the phonebox, you say?" I cut the stranger off, looks like I have my first suspect on this case. The stranger nodded, still frightened about the fact the Prince is now dead and he didn't noticed it.

"You saw something!? Right, Detective Camille here, will need to talk to you." Archer said, motioning me to come over.

The stranger looked pissed as fuck. "Have you gone potty!? Don't you know who I am!?" He yelled out in anger, which made Archer took the opportunity to joke.

"The Monopoly guy? Look, I don't care. We're on a murder case, your meeting can wait - justice can't." Archer smirked as it made the stranger gulped.

Oh I am so going to thank Amy and the Chief for letting me go and join in the Bureau.


We then started talking beside the crime scene. "It's really a crying shame about Prince Albert. My bank is responsible for managing the royal fortune, so I met the fellow often. Damned good chap." Archibald said with a sad sigh, it was obvious that was fake as hell, even a baby can know he's faking it and I know Archer knew as he looked at him with an unamused look.

Oh yeah, his name was Archibald.. something.

"You don't seem upset." Archer and I both said in the same time, making Archibald flinch in surprise. "That's my British stiff upper lip. No need to get all melodramatic and American about something as trivial as murder." He excused as he fixed up his bowtie.

"I'm French." I said sternly, which made my partner snort a laugh as he saw Archibald blinked and coughed up his throat. "I apologize, you seemed to look more bloody American than French." He said, does he not notice my accent? Archer then felt the atmosphere getting awkward as he moved on and questioned Archibald.

"You mentioned seeing something strange near the phone box. What was it?" He asked as he crossed his arms on his chest. "I saw someone hiding in the bushes, watching thag telephone box. I presumed it was just some chap with a phone fetish." He said so casually it made me and Archer blink and tried to hold on a laugh. Who in the right mind would have a phone fetish??

"Couldn't make out the bloody thing about the shadowy fellow, but I did see them running off to the Globe Theatre." He informed us. That theatre isn't much farther away from here since its in the center of town, meaning we still have time on catching 'the chap with phone fetish'.

"The Globe Theatre? That old looking theatre in the center of town? That's worth checking out. Let's go, Camille!" He said as he suddenly grabbed my hand again amd dragged me to the theatre, again almost tripping down on my foot.

"Hey! We still haven't figured about that metal pieces, gros con!" I yelled out, calling him a 'dumbass' in French. This made him stop and looked at me with a sheepish smile. "Oh yeah right - its your time to shine, Cam."


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