Chapter 12

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We walk in silence for a few minutes before I come to a stop and look up in the trees. Slater is to my left and Daniel is to my right.

"Daniel mentioned during our last meeting that you are open to me Slater. But I know that you have only been with Daniel in those ways, and I also know that it took you a long time to get there from what you said to me in our first conversation."

Slater looks at the floor and plays with the gravel with his foot.

"I am open to it. To you. But I want Daniel there with us when we do those things. At least till I'm completely positive that I won't end up having a breakdown."

I nod and turn to him,

"What are you comfortable doing with just us? I have no problem with there always being someone else with us. I figured that unless it is specifically asked for or in a specific person's bedroom then there will likely always be someone else there."

"I think once I've done it in front of Daniel then I'm okay with doing it not in front of him. Aside from sex. For now, I want him to be with me any time that happens. I don't play with the others without him anyway."

"Then I will take your queues. Unless otherwise stated I'm okay with any physicality between us. So, if you want to do something then just tell me, or show me. Or just do it. I do have issues with people touching me, as you know. I also struggle with my own sexuality because it was forced into me that I was wrong. But I don't want to fight it anymore. And I don't want to hide it anymore."

He steps towards me and wraps his arms around my waist, putting his chin on my shoulder and sighing deeply. I run my fingers though his hair because he has it down for once and lean my cheek onto him.

"Are you okay if I don't use a title for a while Elliot?"

I chuckle,

"I've never had a slave before so I'm fine with no title. I don't want this to be strictly kink anyway. But I won't do kink without the title either because the title is how I differentiate it in my head. But I also don't mind what title you use."

"I only use Sir. I don't like any of the others. For now, I mean Daniel when I use a title. I will tell you to your face when I'm ready for that."

I nod and glance to Daniel. He has a small smile on his face.

"Do you want him here for our conversation Daniel or would you rather he wasn't?"

He shakes his head, so I pat Slaters head gently.

"Go make sure the chaos goblins haven't burnt the house down. We will be in shortly."

He straightens up and kisses my cheek then steps towards Daniel and kisses him softly on the lips before walking back towards the house. Daniel and I continue walking till we near the back of the house where the garden is. I lean up again a big oak tree that stands tall at the very back of the garden.

"I don't view your life as my burden Daniel. I know you said you didn't want to force me to hold your life or whatever it was. I want you to know that I don't view it that way. I didn't then and I don't now. I have been through so much, and if understanding and knowledge is what I get out of the pain then let me understand you. Let me know you completely."

Daniel strides towards me and pushes me back into the tree with his body, holding my waist and gently planting his lips on my own. Even with me standing on the tree's roots I have to go up onto my toes to kiss him comfortably. The kiss was slow and deliberate, our lips moulding perfectly together as one of my hands ran up his arm and onto the side of his face so I could trace his jawline with my thumb. My other hand fisted in his shirt pulling him closer to me, so we were touching from knee to lips. After a minute or so of kissing I pull away from his lips and rest my forehead on his.

"Happy birthday to me."

He laughs, a soft rumble rippling out of his throat as he says,

"I've wanted to do that since you made the monologue joke in my doorway."

"I can't be on the receiving end of penetration. That hasn't changed so how does this work."

"I told you that you give me the ability to be someone I've never had the chance to be Elliot. I want to be with you in all ways. I want to feel you in me. I want that. I need that."

I bite my lip then kiss him again deeply. Running my tongue over his bottom lip till he opens up for me. He doesn't even try and fight for dominance, he hands it over willingly, letting me play with his tongue and explore his mouth. I trace every part of him I can with my fingers. Just as my fingers reach his belt buckle Slater's voice reaches us telling us that the pancakes are ready. Daniel pulls away and takes a step back, but I grab hold of his hand,

"What will you call me Daniel?"

He doesn't even hesitate before saying,


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