Chapter 1

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The halfway house was more like a halfway mansion. With blue panelling and a wraparound white porch. Also, way too many windows. A house doesn't need this many windows, it's not a fucking green house. Its driveway was lined with oak trees, and it looks like they continue around the sides of the house, but I wasn't able to get a look because my dad had reached over me and opened my door before violently shoving me out. He was reversing before I even hit the ground and I had to barrel role out of the way of the front tires as he sped away. I wondered why I was in the front and not trapped in the back of the car with the safety locks on like normal.

I heard the front door open, and feet hit the gravel, but I just laid there on the floor looking up at the sky. It was overcast but you could still see hints of blue in between the clouds. Pretty hazel eyes framed in a black beanie appeared above me filled with concern.

"You okay?"

I just huff out and nod which makes pretty eyes smile slightly and lean back. He offers me his hand, which I take gratefully, and he hauls me up to my feet. After the world stops spinning, I look over to Mr. hazel eyes and take him in. He's tall, I'd say around 6'3 and he has snake bites. They frame his mouth nicely and he smirks when he sees where my eyes have settled. I shake my head again and look back up to the sky. The clouds have darkened quite quickly in the few minutes I've been looking away.

"We best get inside before Mr. Vessage has my ass for leaving you out in the rain."

I nod and follow him towards the house,

"Too many windows."

"What was that?"

I hadn't realised I said it aloud, I feel the heat of a blush flow up my neck and fill my cheeks.

" nothing."

Hazel eyes smirks again and walks towards the front door, holding it open for me. The entry hall is large and open with the stairs right in front of. Either side of me was a dark wooden arch way and a hallway down past the stairs which goes to what looks like could be a kitchen. The walls were also wooden framed and painted a forest green colour.

"Who was it that dropped you off?"

"You mean who unceremoniously shoved me out of their car?"

Hazel eyes laughs at that, its hearty and deep. Wiping a non-existent tear,

"I think I'll like you. But yes, as you put it."

"That was my dear old dad."

He scoffs,

"No love lost then?"

"Man thought personal conversion therapy would make me straight so you could say that. Isn't this some conversion place too? Dickhead McGee said that's why I had to come here."

A baritone chuckle comes from down the hallway causing me to look over. Stood in the doorway was a beast of a man. Far taller than hazel eyes next to me, with wavy black hair that kisses his eyebrows. His eyes are almost the same colour but even from here I can see the chocolate undertones that I'm sure would glow in the sunlight. Hazel eyes clears his throat and looks down at his hands.

"My name is Daniel Vessage. I run this halfway house and yes, it is advertised as a house for troubled teens. But I run it more like a place to go when the people who should love you don't. I was also sent away to a camp to 'fix me' and it was horrible. So, I decided to run a place that would look like one of those but actually just use it to build the family I never had."

"You should be a movie star with monologues like that."

Hazel eyes disappears through the archway behind him cackling like a hyena while Daniel saunters towards me.

"It's Elliot Jones, right?"

I nod and look at the ground. My smart mouth always got me hit which is why I flinch and fall backwards when I see his hand coming towards me. I just curl up on the floor and wait for the pain to start. But it doesn't start. When I open my eyes and lift my head Daniel is just stood there with a sad look on his face, behind him is someone who looks miniscule next to him. They are wearing a big hoodie and a mask that covers half their face.

I feel the blush crawl back up my skin as I sit up and look down at my shoelaces. The tiny person edges around Daniel and shuffles over to me holding their hands out. I take them and let them help me up. The tiny persons arms instantly wrap around my waist, and I feel the shakes of crying rack through them. It has been so long since I felt affection that I don't know how to respond so I just stand there until the crying turns to sniffles and a small feminine voice state,

"You're meant to hug me back idiot."

I lift my hands and wrap them around the small persons shoulders and awkwardly pat them on the back.

"I...I don't really remember how to."

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