Dipping Pizza In Blue Cheese Dressing!

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Addison: *dipping a slice of pizza in blue cheese* Delicious!

Magnolia: Wow, that's a delicious combination!

Addison: Definitely!

Carlos: Blue cheese goes on salad.

Magnolia: So what?

Carlos: I'm just saying that blue cheese dressing goes on salad.

Addison: I'll have you know that I also dipped pizza in ranch!

Carlos: Whatever. *walks away*

Magnolia: That's telling him, girl!

Addison: Yup!

This story was written on Saturday, August 12th, 2023.

A/N I think pizza being dipped in blue cheese dressing is a winning combination! 😋😋😋 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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