Cold Flame

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, except for Aaliyah.

Bold-What happens in the episodes

"Episode Title"


Regular talking/actions

Episode 17: Cold Flame

"So, anyone know why our future has an opening song with it?" Ling asked.

"Because we are awesome like that." Ed replied.

Havoc shrugged. "Try not to question it. Nothing is really making much sense at the moment. Just enjoy it. The songs are pretty awesome after all."

A light on the ceiling was shown before half of Henry's face was shown. Followed by his face, half of Maria's face appeared on the screen. Henry picked up a bag and turned it upside down. A smashed-up bullet came out of it.

"This is the bullet that killed Brigadier General Hughes. It's a .45 calibre. The killer used only this one bullet." Henry told her.

"I'd say it was a good shot, but it was at point-blank range."

Maria's arm was zoomed in on to show her prison bracelets.

"Despite the fact that they are prison bracelets, I really do like them." Edward said.

Mustang rolled his eyes. "Let me guess. You kept yours?"

"Sure did! Only, I got rid of my prison number on the one silver plate and replaced it with Fullmetal." Edward replied, grinning.

"Why do you have prison bracelets?" May asked confused.

Ed shrugged. "There was this one mission which required me to infiltrate a prison. Not a fun first at least."

"And yet you kept the bracelet." Brody said dryly.

"Why not?" Ed asked.

He received many blank looks in return.

"Oh, come on! How often do you get to go to jail for an operation?" Edasked.

"Close enough that even a poor shot could have done it." Henry said.

"Now tell me. What is the calibre of the gun that you carry?"

"It's a .45, sir." Maria replied.

"And that proves what?" Ed asked angrily. "She's not the only soldier or even person in the word who uses a .45."

"It's just to verify that her gun could have been the one to kill him." Armstrong said.

Ed scoffed. "Please. It would make more sense to use a different type of gun then. To make it less suspicious, take someone else's gun, kill the person, and return the gun before the person realizes it's missing."

"Planning to murder someone?" Ling asked.

Ed glared at him. "No. I'm just saying, if I carried a gun, I wouldn't use mine to murder someone. I would use someone else's."

Douglas picked up a paper and showed it to Maria. "Here we have a copy of your requisition form for addition ammunition. Does this look correct?"

Maria nodded.

"It's a crime to ask for ammunition now?" Maria groaned.

"I think they are just fishing for things to make you look like the suspect." Ed scoffed. "Honestly, if you were the one to kill Hughes, you wouldn't be stupid enough to ask for more ammunition from the military, at least not rightaway."

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