Fullmetal and Blue Flame Alchemists

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

This takes place right after Ed, Aly, and Al discover that the Philosopher's Stone requires human lives. Just because I could, I put the soldiers who served with Mustang in the Ishvalan War in this too.

Bold- What happens in the episodes

"Episode Title"

Regular talking/actions

Episode 1: Fullmetal and Blue Flame Alchemists

Everyone stared at one another in surprise. They were just going about their normal business when they suddenly found themselves in a room that was like a lobby, it had a soft red carpet with a variety of couches, love seats, chairs, coffee tables, and side tables around. In the back of the room were a few doors leading to who knew where. In front of them was a screen the size of a movie theater screen.

"What the hell?" Mustang growled looking around the room. In this room were Edward, Alphonse, Riza Hawkeye, jean havoc, Kain Fuery, Vato Falman, Heyman Breda, Maes Hughes, Maria Ross, Denny Brosh, Alex Louis Armstrong, Olivier Mira Armstrong, Karley, Major Miles, Captain Buccaneer, Alexandre, Charlie, Damiano, Richard, and Scar. There were also a lot of regular soldiers around.

"Scar?!" Havoc shouted, hand flashing to his side to get his gun, only to find it missing.

While everyone was looking at their person for their weapons, Scar and Edward were glaring at each other. There were only besides the woman who didn't carry weapons.  Unknown to those two thoughts, the woman was watching them with narrowed eyes.


Golden eyes flashed away from the state alchemist killer in fear.

"Shit! Teacher!" All he got out before the teacher foot was slamming into his face, sending him flying into the wall behind him. That, effectively, got everyone attention and stop searching for their weapons to stare at.

"Brother?" Al asked worriedly and in bit of fear. He would have approached his brother, but his teacher was still standing there and he didn't want to move closer.

But, it seems, his voice got her attention as she turned to him. "Al?" Izumi asked, voice soft and gentle now.

Al meekly nodded his head.

"My, you've certainly grown." Izumi said, holding her hand out, Al wasn't all that surprised when he was suddenly flipped over the back of a couch.


"Hmph, not enough training, either of you!" Izumi growled; voice harsh once more.

"What impressive strength." Armstrong cried, truly moved by Izumi.

The youngest state alchemist climbed off the floor, glaring the muscled man. "Don't encourage the old hag, Armstrong."

"Brother!" Al cried dismayed.

Izumi slowly turned to her student, cracking her knuckles.

"What was that, you damn brat?"

Sweat dripped down Ed's face as he nervously started at his teacher. "Wait! No, I mean, you are very pretty and young, Teacher! Don't kill me!"

"Wow, I have never seen the chief this scared ever," Breda said amused, a grim spreading across his lips.

Havoc winced as Ed was kicked to the other side of the room. "I wonder what he did to enrage her."

"I want to know how she got him to behave." Mustang commented, much to the amusement of his squad as they were reminded of all fights the two alchemists have had.

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