Chapter 6

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"Anyways, dinner is ready" Y/N said, which made everyone stop what they were doing, if it was playing Mario Kart, doing something on their phone or something else, and rush to the table.

Techno followed the Avengers to a table, where Pietro was already sitting. He took a seat next to Y/N and started eating the pasta in front of him. "Wow, this is really good" he said. He had never tasted pasta that good.

"Thanks, but it's really nothing special, it's just pasta al ragù" Y/N said. "Tomato sauce with meat" she added at seeing Techno's questioning look.

Everyone started talking but they were interrupted when a man with... red and Walked in. "Oh hey Vision, did you figure out you DO need to eat after two years?" Y/N greeted the man.

"I heard someone was going to be here so I decided to come" At Vision's words everyone looked to Wanda, who quickly became a blushing mess.

"Actually I heard there is a guest over today" Vision said and Y/N was sure that if he was a human he would be blushing as much as Wanda.

"That must be you" Vision said to Techno "I'm Vision, an Android" he added. "Uhhh... nice to meet you then Vision" Techno answered, clearly very confused.

"I think a round of introductions might be needed" Natasha said, noticing the confusion in Techno's eyes. "Yeah, that might be a good idea" Y/N added.

Vision sat down at an empty seat and started "I'm Vision, an android created by Ultron, who originally planned to transfer his consciousness into my body, but I was then 'stolen' by the Avengers and Bruce, Y/N and Tony transferred what was left of JARVIS, the predecessor of FRIDAY, after he had been damaged by Ultron into my body, but JARVIS did not survive, because I'm not JARVIS" after a short pause he added "I know it sounds complicated but it is what it is"

Next was Wanda, who was sitting next to Vision "I'm Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet witch and me and my brother both have supernatural powers. I can control minds and also create barriers and the like"

After Wanda, it was her brother's turn "I'm Pietro Maximoff, otherwise known as Quicksilver. Like my sister, I too have powers. They allow me to break the sound barrier whilst running" "So basically he's Flash from the incredibles" Y/N added, which made everyone laugh.

Next was Peter "I'm Peter Parker, Spider-man. I- well I can shoot cobwebs" Peter was very clearly nervous, and Y/N was pretty sure she knew why. She hacked into Peter's google account before, to see why he was so shocked when she told him Techno would be the one to come to the Avengers tower. And she found that Peter was actually subscribed to Techno, and if she was to trust google's databases, for a few years too.

"Tony Stark, obviously" Tony's ego was really showing but everyone was already used to it so they only rolled their eyes without actually saying anything.

"I'm Bruce Banner, and well- thanks to gamma radiation I became Hulk" Bruce almost seemed ashamed to Techno, something he didn't quite understand, since from what he knew Bruce couldn't actually do anything against it.

"Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow. Former assassin, but I don't kill people anymore. At least, not innocent people" Natasha also introduced herself.

"I'm Clint Barton, or Hawkeye. Like Natasha, I don't have any superpowers but my aim with a bow is nearly perfect." Clint said and smirked when Y/N added "Me and Clint spend a lot of time in the vents, spying on people"

Techno's heart clenched at the thought of Y/N spending a lot of time with Clint. Why was he feeling like this? They were obviously good friends, why did he not like the thought of Y/N hanging out with Clint? Techno was soon snapped out of his thoughts when the next person started speaking.

"I'm Thor Odinson, also known by my title as the god of Thunder. I may not have superpowers but I'm an asgardian, so to humans it feels like I'm a god. I have a hammer, that only worthy people can lift. Which I thought was only me but Y/N and Vision can both lift it" Thor seemed happy to tell Techno about his hammer.

"And I'm Steve Rogers, Captain America. I didn't have my superpowers since birth, I got them when I was turned into a super soldier over 70 years ago. And then I was trapped in ice for 70 years" Steve clearly didn't like remembering those times, but Y/N's friend deserved to know.

"I'm FRIDAY, an AI created by Y/N and named by Tony Stark, I might not have a physical body but I can control Tony's suits if needed" FRIDAY also introduced themselves

After that everyone started talking about random things and after dinner everyone went to bed, since they wanted to leave early for the mission the next day. They somehow even convinced Tony to go to sleep.

Pietro put away the dishes with his super speed and was also the first one to leave. Y/N and Techno stayed the longest, since Y/N needed to convince Tony to get some sleep and to not join them on the mission. Techno also stayed with Y/N, but mostly listened to the conversation, without saying much.

Finally Tony agreed to go to sleep and walked towards his room. "FRIDAY, lock his lab for the night" Y/N said, because she didn't quite trust Tony to actually go to sleep. Shortly after they heard Tony yell "Y/N DID YOU LOCK MY LAB" Y/N laughed, but didn't reply.

Y/N and Techno walked back to their rooms, since they were on the same floor. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this Techno" Y/N said and looked down. "Why are you apologizing?" Techno asked, confused.

"Well, you didn't seem that comfortable before and-" Y/N started to ramble but stopped when she heard Techno talk again. "Don't apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for. You maybe saved my life, why are you apologizing for that?" Y/N hesitated for a second. "I know, but still-" she sighed and stopped in front of her room. Techno noticed that her room had a rising phoenix on it.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence between them before Techno said "Well, goodnight Y/N, and good luck for tomorrow" "Goodnight Techno" Y/N said and opened the door to her room. "We will probably be gone when you wake up tomorrow, but you can make yourself breakfast in the kitchen. Please make sure Tony doesn't do anything too stupid" she added. Techno laughed at the last part but nodded "I can't guarantee anything but I'll try" and with that he walked off to his room.

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Next chapter should be out today

- Void 

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