Chapter 3

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A/N long chapter ahead!!! I had no idea how to finish it so it got really long, sorry

Y/N stood before a door that should lead to Technos apartment. But what if she was at the wrong address? What if she didn't hear Techno properly and got the address wrong? What if- No. She said to herself and knocked on the door. She was an Avenger, for fucks sake, what was the worst that could happen?

When the door opened, she was met with a nervous looking Technoblade "Hey Techno. Good to finally meet you in real life, even though the circumstances are- well they aren't the best" Y/N greeted.

"Hello Y/N" Techno smiled and led her inside. "So, can you explain what exactly is happening?" He asked.

"Yeah just wait a second. FRIDAY, scan the area for listening devices'' Y/N answered.

To say Techno was shocked, when what looked like a really big smartwatch, literally flew up in the middle of the room and illuminated the room in blue light for a few seconds, was an understatement.

"Scan complete. No devices detected" said a voice, seeming out of nowhere. Y/N chuckled at Technos expression "That was FRIDAY, an artificial intelligence made mostly by me. FRIDAY is an acronym and you don't want to know what it means, Tony Stark came up with it"

"Wait- WHAT? That- YOU made that?" "Uhh yea-" "With TONY STARK?"

Y/N sighed "This is going to be a long explanation. Better if we sit down" she sat down at the table and Techno sat down on the other side, facing Y/N.

*inhales* "So, where do I start?" "Why were you at the avengers tower and what authority do you have to be able to bring me there?" Y/N sighed and started explaining "...I- so you know that not all Avengers have revealed their secret identity, right?" "...Yeah?" "I'm Phoenix" Y/N said, looking away.

"WHAT?" Techno shouted after a few moments of silence. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his best friend was a freaking Avenger. Y/N didn't seem like the type to go out and fight people. At least that's the impression he got from her but maybe that was exactly what she was going for, so none of her friends or viewers would suspect she wasn't an ordinary person.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, you can hate me if you want, it's understan-" "Why are you apologising?" Techno asked, confused. Why should he hate her? "Well, I've been keeping a huge secret from you, so maybe you're mad at me for th-" "There's no need to apologise, it's understandable that you didn't want to tell anybody about this, I mean, if it were to come out, you would have a huge problem, right?" Techno interrupted her.

Y/N looked at him surprised. Why didn't he hate her? Why wasn't he mad at her? "I- You're not mad at me?" "No, why would I?" Techno answered truthfully and placed his hand on top of hers. 'I could never be mad at you Y/N'

Then the realisation hit Techno: "I was playing Minecraft with AN AVENGER for the past years?"

Y/N laughed "Yes" "but don't worry, you have done nothing wrong, I wouldn't be here if you did, would I?" she added at seeing Technos face filled with shock, but also regret.

"How long have you been an avenger?" Techno asked, he didn't know when Phoenix joined, since he wasn't one of those crazy fans always on the lookout for news from the superheroes.

"Since the very beginning. I joined Tony Stark after he came back from being kidnapped. I caught wind about how he managed to escape and I had just finished developing a new ion thruster, pretty much an electrical rocket engine, and I needed someone who could use it to its full potential, and so me and Tony made the very first Iron man suit using his Arc reactor to provide the necessary power and my ion thrusters for flight" Y/N told him.

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