The Shadow Trials - August 2023

114 6 4

Here are the prompts!

Prompt 1: While gardening in your backyard, you suddenly come across a glowing orb. Thinking of it as a fake imitation item, you keep it in your pocket, unaware that the fate of many dimensions depends on it and many mythical creatures are after it.

Prompt 2: Your filthy rich grandma passed away and you only got her ring in the inheritance. Being her favorite grandchild, this surprises you, until one day, when you wear it and realize it is far more than an ordinary ring.

Prompt 3: He was living in a world where humans were a myth, until one day when he finds a human in a nearby forest, tattered and torn, scared and clueless... who is also his soulmate. (can be Lgbtq+)

Your entry must have the following words: sanctuary, poison, spray.

Submissions will close on [August 31st, 2023], at [11:59 PM EST] and will run for the whole month of [August]. Submit your entries here.

Let's get our knuckles cracking. Let the trials begin!

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