Paths Chosen

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Chapter 13

Paths Chosen

Harry woke up first the next morning. The other boys' beds were all still pulled shut and he was glad for it. He was still feeling furious toward Tom, but it was a colder anger than yesterday. An icy hatred that he wanted Tom to freeze from. A shower did not help, so Harry went down to the common room to sit by the fire. He just about got the fire going when he turned to see Sylvain walking down into the empty room. He looked shocked to see Harry before a guilty expression fell. "Harry," he said.

Harry gave a tired smile and waved, "Morning Sylvain." Sylvain half-waved at Harry. He sensed that something might have been wrong as he asked, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah—actually no," Sylvain sighed. "Uh, can we talk for a moment? It's about Riddle."

Harry's features hardened. "Oh. Okay." Sylvain walked awkwardly to the fireplace and the two sat down. Sylvain immediately started rubbing his hands in an awkward fashion as he thought about what he wanted to say. He sighed and took out his wand, waving it as he muttered something under his breath. Harry felt magic go through him and spun to see an almost transparent bubble shimmering around them. "No one will hear us," Sylvain explained. "First Harry, I have a question, and please don't be offended. Are you like me and Xavier?"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked although he had a suspicion.

"Are you queer?" Sylvain asked.

"I—what?" Harry gasped, his cheeks suddenly blazing. "No, yes—I mean I—"

Sylvain chuckled and smiled sweetly at him, "It's okay Harry, we have to stick together, your secret is with me if that's what you want."

"You're not disgusted?" Harry asked, shocked.

"No, I'm not," Sylvain said, speaking softly. "I know that others... will not be as accepting, but you can trust me and Xavier with your preference."

Harry stared at Sylvain for a moment, his brain working overdrive before he gave a small smile and sighed in relief. "Thank you," he whispered. "My... old friends weren't as welcoming."

Sylvain just nodded with a knowing look. He stood up and moved to sit next to Harry, taking his hand in his. "I think I should go out and say it," he said. "You know that we all have your back. There's so much stuff I wish I can tell you, there's so much that Riddle and the others are hiding from you—that we are hiding from you. We all want you to be in our group but... this is hard to say. I don't know the exact nature of your relationship with Riddle, but you have the right to know something."

"What did he do?" Harry asked, his throat feeling heavy and his blood growing cold.

"He said something. He told us that he thought ... he saw you as a toy and bed warmer," Sylvain said, looking deeply hurt. "You're a challenge that he wants to submit."

Harry's expression hardened. "I see," he said. He sighed and shook his head. "Thank you, Sylvain."

"Harry? Are you feeling okay?" Sylvain asked hesitantly. He flinched when cold, seething eyes met him.

"No, I'm not. But acting now wouldn't be worth it. I'll deal with this when Riddle isn't expecting it. The bastard thinks I can submit, he'll be lucky to be alive by the time I'm done," Harry said, muttering the last part to himself, his anger and hatred for the teen returning and flooding over his confusion over the teen and the deep guilt at losing Sirius.


They turned to see Alphard Black running into the room, his face completely pale and horror-stricken. Sylvain immediately canceled their privacy charm as Alphard ran to them. "Please tell me you've seen Charles!" Alphard begged. "Please, oh please tell me!"

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