Chapter 7: Massacre

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Anson wiped the blood from his mouth as the body of the Iron Blood Cruiser hit the water, it was a short skirmish, and Anson got the drop on her on his way to that Iron Blood base the Siren had told him about, her begging for her brother to saver her was pathetic in his eyes, no one was going to come save her sorry life. Her blood had a pure taste to it, like freshly made tea in his opinion, but that didn't matter now, he pulled up his mask and made his way east. 'That wasn't right.' that voice in the back of his head said as he summoned his ship to take some time to rest. 'You should have let her go, instead you took a life that didn't need to be taken.' it said as Anson made his way to his quarters. 

'SHUT UP! All those Jerry's are the same, there nothing more than a bunch of bloodthirsty brutes, who slaughter innocents.' he thought back to the voice.

'But are you any better than them? You also kill indiscriminately, do you remember what happened in the Marshalls?' he voice responded.

'This isn't about that! Its not my fault, SHE made me like this! SHE created me, and I will destroy HER just the same.' Anson thought as the small voice went silent, Anson sat on his bed as he looked a photo of himself with his sisters.

"I'm doing the righteous thing, right?" Anson asked the photo, wondering what they would think of his actions, no, he didn't need there approval, he was his own man who could make his own choices, plus he was just finishing what they started, they brought the war to English soil, thousands of civilians died during Iron Blood bombing raids, Sakuran troops torched the villages of the subjects of the Raj, they had more blood on there hands then he could ever dream of. It was then the thought of HER came into his mind, the memory of that horrible night coming back to hit him like a freight train. 

He still sees the emotionless stair in her eyes as the blade pierced his chest, how he tried to call out her name but all that came out of his mouth was blood, a taste he now relished, how quickly she left after telling him about the formation of the Crimson Axis. It was then he blacked out. That night, he swore his revenge, those in charge of the Crimson Axis had turned her against him, and he would make them pay, Littorio, Jean Bart, Bismarck, Nagato, Akagi and Kaga, they would all die by his hand, he would feast on there blood, and leave the drained husk as an example for making an enemy of the people of the Royal Isle, no, this mission wasn't for himself, this was to avenge the loss of thousands of Royal lives.

As Anson laid down down to try and get some sleep a memory of HER came to his mind, it was THAT night, the night he thought she would become his forever, that night they met up, under a full moon with the stars illuminating the sky, they met on a beach, where she surprised him with a picnic dinner under stars, she joked about how it was hard sneaking off her base without her sisters noticing her leaving but she managed, they sat, laughed and ate, they had a few drinks and one thing lead to another, next thing he knew they where passionately kissing, and there cloths happened to come off, next thing he knew they where lying naked in the sand in each others arms, he remembers her running her hands through his hair, she always loved his hair, she said it reminded her of freshly fallen snow on a peaceful mountaintop, he remembers her blazing eyes looking into his, at the time he wished they could have stayed like that forever, no Sirens, no war, no Faction crisis, just the two of them in each others arms under the stars. Alas all good things must come to an end, as Anson had to get back to base by sunrise, but as a souvenir of there first time she gave him her ribbon, she said it was to be a reminder of her and her undying love for him, to this day he still uses that ribbon to tie his hair, he has no clue why he hasn't burned it yet, he wanted nothing to do with HER, right?

Anson sighed, and looked at his clock on his nightstand, it was 4 P.M. the sleep he got was going to have to wait, that Siren said that base should be close by and Anson had to cover his tracks, witch meant no witnesses to him entering the Atlantic, that's why he killed that Iron Blood cruiser, witch also meant one thing, he could no longer turn back now. Everyone would hate him now, fickle bastards, just because some stuffy politicians sign a peace of paper doesn't mean that they can wipe out the past. Iron Blood and Sakura were still traitors, and no fancy document could change that.


The island the base was on was a remote and rocky one, Anson was thankful there was a thick fog surrounding the island to cover his approach, he skillfully snuck his way to a barbed wire fence before taking a deep breath and concentrating hard, Anson turned to black mist and went through the fence, as he returned to his original form he  quickly moved through the shadows, his German was a bit rusty but he thought a sign said he was near the breaker room, good, a dark hunting ground is a good hunting ground, he silently snuck his way past a few guards, not yet, the time wasn't right, when the sun went down he would strike, not a single Jerry was going to leave this base alive. 

Anson found what he thought was the breaker room after a few close calls, as he entered he heard a voice come from in the breaker room, Anson quickly blended with the shadows as a technician rounded the corner, the man looked around trying to figure out where the noise came from after a good minute the tech turned his back to go back to his work, this is when Anson struck, he quickly activated his wrist blade, he dashed behind the man and slit his throat, Anson licked the blood from the blade before it went back into the bracer under his sleeve, Anson then walked around the breaker room, looking for the kill-switch, when he spotted it and reached for it that small voice in his head returned, 'What the hell are you doing? Are you really going to become a monster just because you got your heart broken?' the tiny voice asked.

'No, I do this for the lives the Crimson Axis took, the innocent's the slaughtered, why can't you see that?'  Anson thought, silencing the voice once again. He then grabbed the leaver and pulled it down, plunging the entire base into darkness. 

It all happened so fast, Anson moved quickly and showed no mercy, he moved with the shadows, made sure that the bases personal couldn't find him, the screams echoed throughout the base as he picked them off one by one. By the end he had lost count of how many he had killed, now in in the command building the last few survivors had barricaded themselves in the armory, a small group of soldiers, officers and a few Jagers where hurdled around each other, guns pointed at the door, "Stand strong men! We stand for Iron Blood!" one of the officers yelled trying to rally the troops.

"I've seen him, he's not human! He is a demon from hell sent to punish us for out sins!" a private cries clutching his rifle with a white knuckle grip.

It was then black mist came out of an air duct and and flew around the group, "Was zum Teufel ist das!" one of the soldiers cried aiming his StG 43 at the mist. 

"Your Judge", the mist says taking the form of Anson, "Jury," he draws his blade and takes his stance, "And executioner." Anson charges the group slashing wildly as the soldiers tried to take him down, but they stood no chance against a Kaisen, Anson mascaraed them, his blade cutting through there flesh like a hot knife through butter, there blood stained the walls and floor, Anson quickly moved from one victim to another, by the end of it only a single Iron Blood officer remained.

"Please, d-don't!" The officer begs on his knees as Anson holds his sword to his chin. "I have I wife and two daughters! In mercy's name-" the man never finished as Anson grabbed him by the throat and scoffed.

"You Jerry's didn't show any mercy when you leveled London did you! then why should I?" He asked before lowering his mask and biting into the officer's neck, draining his blood. 'Ah, the sweet taste of victory how I love you.' Anson thought to himself, as he finished draining the blood from the officer's veins, he threw the drained husk aside and surveyed the carnage. 'A small price to pay for peace.' Anson thought to himself as he left the room, going to find a spot to hunker down and rest for a few days before containing his journey to Norway, and the unlimited power that awaited him.

Hey guys!  The Writers insane ramblings that no one reads here! I just wanted to get something out before Halloween and I guess this counts as a spooky chapter, also a lot shorter than I wanted it to be but hey, that's how life is sometime, so yeh, I wanted to play with Anson's vampirism so having him go full Chapter 7 of Dracula (Anyone get that reference?) seemed like a good idea, I know I still suck at writing action but whatever, its my first story, sue me. Any comments of ideas are appeared, have a happy and safe Halloween everyone, and MERRY CHRISTMAS (It will be here before we know it.)

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