Family Matter

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I'm sat at David and Mary-Margaret's apartment, they called me and Emma over to tell us the plan that they made with Regina.

"I'm sorry. Regina's doing what?" I ask again just to make sure that I heard them correctly.

"She's going undercover." David answers.

"With someone who could turn into a dragon? Are you out of your minds? Why didn't you call me?" Emma states.

"There wasn't time. She told us the plan. That was it."

"You should've told me."

"Why? You really think you could've stopped her?" Mary-Margaret says to her.

"I could've helped. I was a bail-bonds person. Pretending to be someone else was part of my job."

"I know that, but I really think Regina can take care of herself." Mary-Margaret

"I hope you're right. When is she supposed to check in?" They stay quiet. "Mom? Dad? When is she supposed to check in?"

"About an hour ago." David admits.

"This just keeps getting better and better." I state. "I take it we can't do anything until she makes some sort of an attempt to get in touch with you two?"


"Okay, call me if there's an update, I'm gonna go get some coffee. I think I'm going to need it." I leave their apartment and go to Granny's. "What happened here?" I ask Granny as I walk in the diner, it's been trashed. Everything is a mess, things broken and smashed.

"The new visitors." Granny replies.

"Hate them already?"

"Mhmm." I grab a sweeping brush and begin to sweep up any glass of the floor. "You don't have to do that."

"I want to."

After an hour the place was finally clean enough to be able to have customers in again.

"Thank you for helping."

"Of course." I put away the last towel.

"I'm sorry, for how I've treated you. I had no right, you've been nothing but nice to me." She apologies.

"Thanks." I smile, it was nice that someone who isn't family was good enough to apologise.

"I can tell that you care for him."


"Hook. He cares for you too."

"Okay, how many people know this? Is it that obvious?"

"It's obvious from him, not so much you. But it doesn't take much to guess."


"He just needs to make up his mind."

"He already has."

"Are you sure?"

"After the incident earlier and we both left I told him to go and make up with Emma. I know they did cause I saw them about to kiss so."

"Well, I think you have more trouble coming."

"Please say you're kidding." Granny nods to outside, I have a quick look. Low and behold Emma and Killian were walking over to here once again. "Can't I go a day without a problem?"

"I'll leave you to it." She leaves just as Emma and Killian walk in.

"Alyssa, hey." Emma says in a calmer voice than I expected.

"Hi." I say cautiously, she's not usually this calm or nice with me.

"Can we talk?"

"We already are?"

"I mean, a proper talk."

"About?" I see Emma glance at Killian and then back at me. "Can't we just go one day without whatever this is?"

"We need to sort this out."

"It has nothing to do with me. It's you two in a relationship, it's your problems. Not mine, I thought you guys made up anyway. You know, from earlier."

"I've tried to tell Swan this but she won't listen." Killian sighs.

"Please. I need to get this sorted once and for all." Emma looks at Killian. "You need to choose. Me or her."


"No, he doesn't need to choose anyone Emma." I say.

"He does."

"No. He doesn't, here's why. I don't have feelings for him, why do you think I slapped him when he kissed me?" I get up and begin to walk to the door.

"You can't hide your feelings forever!" Emma calls out.

"Just remember when things are back to normal, I'm gone forever Emma." I say before leaving.

"Alyssa?" I look to see Will was now in front of me.

"Oh hey Will." I greet him.

"You're hurting."

"Oh come on, are my feelings that obvious to everyone?" He chuckles.

"No, I'm just not that stupid. I saw you guys talking in there anyway, Belle told me about your situation."

"How much did she tell you?"

"Just that you and the pirate have feelings for each other."

"That it?"

"She didn't tell me about the kiss, that I overheard from people talking."

"I really want to have just one day with no problems."

"You live in Storybrooke, good luck with that."

"Yeah, thanks I guess."

"Me and Belle are going to Granny's later, will you join us?" I look at him shocked, is he being nice and trying to get on with me?


"Don't make me ask again." He sighs in frustration. "She wants us to get along, so I asked if I could invite you."

"So third wheeling?"

"I'm only doing this for Belle."

"Fine. But don't expect me to third wheel again."

"Fine with me." My phone rings and I answer it.


"Hey, we need you at the library asap." David's voice lingers through the other line.

"Alright. I'll be there soon." I hang up and put my phone away in my pocket. "I'll see you at Granny's later."

"Yeah, okay." I walk over to the library where Emma, Mary-Margaret, David and Killian were waiting for me.

"Thanks for coming." David smiles, we go inside to meet Regina. "Hey, we're here."

"I said we needed to meet covertly. Now I see you brought the entire Charming and White softball team and their pirate mascot?" Regina complains.

"We were worried about you." Mary-Margaret tells her.

"Well, then worry quickly. I can't be seen with all of you."

"Regina, listen to me. This is a bad idea. This woman, this dragon, she's dangerous, and you don't know the first thing about going undercover." Emma tries.

"I'm a quick study, and Maleficent already told me why they're here. Apparently, they're after the author, too. I simply want him to change my fate."

"What do they want?" I ask her.

"They want to shift the entire balance so that villains win and heroes lose. They feel the only way to get their happy ending is to destroy yours."

"Do you think they can find the author?"

"They have a lead, we don't. And tonight, they want me to help them steal it... Whatever it is."

"I'm telling you, these things never end well."Emma speaks again.

Take Me Back | A Killian Jones Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora