Tell Me Something I don't Know

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I sit at Granny's diner in my own booth, Emma wants to keep an eye on me I know that. She's sat with Kristoff, Elsa and Anna on the booth next to mine. Killian walks in with a smile.

"Swan. Come celebrate, for I may not be the Saviour, but I've just saved the day." He walks straight to Emma.

"Hang on. Don't get your hopes up yet." Emma stands up, Killian kisses her. I look down at my hands, why do I have to feel like this?

"How you doing?" I look up in front of me and see David had joined me.

"I'm fine." I lie.

"I'm sorry about everything." He apologizes.

"Don't be."

"You're my family, Alyssa. I don't want any bad blood between us."

"I'm fine David. Really." I sigh, I'm not really in the mood to lie properly or with any effort.

"You don't trust me, I understand." He gives me a smile.

"Something happened, something that I'm not sure who to tell." I admit.

"You can tell me if you want to."

"I don't know, you might not like what I tell you."

"Surely it can't be that bad." I look at him. "It's bad isn't it?"

"Yeah, and I know full well that I'll be getting blamed for it all."

"Do you think you're to blame?"

"No, I didn't ask for what happened. I didn't want it to happen either."

"Then it's not your fault. And if you get the blame for it, I'll be there to back you up all the way. Even if I don't know what's happened."

"Thank you David, that actually means a lot."

     Emma made me come along to the mansion with her and a few others so that Anna, Elsa and Kristoff could go back home. I know that she doesn't trust me and I overheard her telling Mary-Margaret that she doesn't want me left alone with Henry or Killian, which is why she wants me with her as much as possible.

"This place is amazing. Mom, I'll, uh, be right back." Henry says before jogging away somewhere where none of us could see him.

"Hey, kid, wait." Emma tries but it was no use.

"Well, Emma, I think this is it." Mary-Margaret speaks.

"Crocuses! Arendelle crocuses! Elsa, we're almost home." Anna exclaims as we all stand outside some doors, I look around. Something feels different.

"Something isn't right about this." I comment, I'm not sure exactly what it is. But it's something.

"Wait, maybe I should open it. Magic can be unpredictable." Emma says to us.

"So this is it." Elsa sighs.

"Appears so."

"Thank you for taking such good care of my sister." Anna smiles.

"It's kind of what we do."

"It's our pleasure. Now, don't you all have a kingdom to go save?" Mary-Margaret says to them.

"We sure do. I hope Hans isn't too comfortable on that throne 'cause I'm gonna knock him right off the minute we get back." Anna confirms.

"And the second minute we're back, maybe we could get married? Just a thought." Kristoff adds.

"Emma, thank you for everything. You've done so much. I could never repay you." Elsa says before hugging Emma. "It's time. Please, thank Hook and Mr. Gold for us, as well." Emma opens the door, Elsa and Kristoff go through the portal that was in the doors, Anna goes to but then stops.

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