Part 1

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Kyle's POV:
(Memory start)
It had been a long school week. Not in the way that it was difficult, if anything it was too easy, it felt like it dragged on forever and nobody had the social battery to deal with it.

So obviously, like everyone else, I was tired as hell when I was walking home.

When I had gotten home and immediately went up to my room, I checked social media to see if anyone posted anything important or interesting.

I just death scrolled for a while until I stumbled upon a post Kenny made about some sort of hotel, asking for people to stay with him in case something happened.

It looked fairly nice compared to most hotels in South Park, I couldn't even see any graffiti on the sides of the building. From the caption of the post I could tell it was fairly cheap, too.

(Which of course would be convenient for him since he was nearly dirt poor. He used to be barely able to afford more than like a pack of gum for dinner, but him and his siblings work a couple jobs now so he isn't as poor.)

Normally I would be suspicious of things like this, but something about this place drew me in, so I texted Kenny about it. (Not before asking my mom obviously. It took a lot of convincing.)

So with that, me and some friends would be staying at a weird hotel for the weekend.

At least Stan would be there, so it would be a little more bearable.

(Memory end, back to present time.)

I hop out of the packed car with my friends and take a look at the place, it's just how it looked in the pictures. It's a big hotel, kinda like the size of an apartment building.

The big sign next to it (you know, the big sign.) says "Lucid Hotel". Strange name, but I ignore it and slowly walk with all my luggage to the front desk or whatever.

(A/N: I have no idea how hotels work T_T)

Tolkien and Kenny get pretty much everything sorted out at the front (except the money, we all pitched in for it, not just Kenny. He would never be able to afford it for all of us.) and we all walk up to our rooms, two people per room to cut down on costs.

Clearly Tweek and Craig were sharing a room, Tolkien and Nichole, Kenny and Marjorine, Wendy and Bebe, then me and Stan.

I set my bags and suitcase on the floor and begin to neatly unpack.

Meanwhile, Stan puts his bag along with his guitar in the corner and flops down on the bed, making me tiredly say "Don't just lay down as soon as we get here, we have to check for bed bugs and shit. Are you really that exhausted?"

"Yessssss! I've been dragged around by Wendy and Marjorine all week. Do you have any idea how energetic those girls are?"

In response I just roll my eyes and shove him off the bed, checking all the bedsheets and pillows for anything suspicious.

I find nothing of importance, but am met with a playful glare from Stan who sluggishly gets up and sits down on the bed again.

I do the same as I take my shoes off and start idle conversation "So... have you learned anything new with your guitar?"

I point to the electric guitar he has put in the corner on the floor behind his bag

"You know, I like listening to you play it. You're surprisingly skilled regarding your less than ideal memory." I tease and he puts up a dramatic expression of betrayal, clutching his chest where his heart would be.

We laugh for a bit but eventually he picks up the guitar and starts to play a tune.

I think I recognize the song, but I can't focus on remembering since I'm distracted by his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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