general information about Survonia and Neonica

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Survonia is a continent between the northern and southern hemisphere with a size of (insert number) and a population of (insert number). Steppersonia was discovered on January 7th, 953 by a Tigranakertian sailor. Steppersonia has many unique features such as mountains, forests, plains, deserts and archipelagos.



The North Orion Canal Union or the NOCU is an alliance consisting of 8 countries. These include Ramrodia, Thalmistan, Litistan, and Arsenistan, as well as the former OCF countries of Amandia and Rubiland, which were invited after the collapse of the OCF. The purpose of the NOCU is for economic, military, development, and political stability. If one member is attacked, it's an attack on all other members. The current headquarters of the NOCU is in the city of Broid, located in Amandia. The NOCU was founded on December 19th, 1991, by the presidents of Thalmistan, Ramrodia, Litistan, and Arsenistan.

The Maristani alliance or the Marisal is a neutral alliance that consists of the countries of Andernson, the Saharan Federation, the United Republic of Jake, Honololo, and Artimia as well as the former OCF countries of Maristan and Christinsa, The Marisal was founded on October 4th, 1999 by the leaders of all the current members of the Marisal. The purpose of the Marisal is for military, education, trade, healthcare  economic and political stability and development and the headquarters of Marisal is located in Thora, Andernson and was chosen as the headquarters due to fear of invasions and the geographic advantage of being far from other alliances

countries that don't exist anymore:

The Orion Canal Federation or the OCF was a country that formed on September 15th, 1883, and dissolved on September 16th, 1999, consisting of modern-day territories of Amandia, Rubiland, Christinsa, and Maristan. The OCF had two capitals, Rimland and Dreamland, both of which were in Rubiland. The OCF has a unique type of government where there would be two presidents at the same time, both with equal power in each capital. The president in Rimland is called the "the Rimish president" and the president in Dreamland is called "the Dreamish president". The OCF was founded by two people, Audwin Harrison and Victor Wilkins, the first presidents of the OCF. The reason why the OCF collapsed was due to many reasons, one is due to the failing economy, two is due to people from each country wanting independence, three is due to the OCF's poor management and the assassination of the last 2 presidents, George Stewart and Marshall turner.

Jolenia was a country bordering the survonian territories and Greater maristan. Jolenia consists of the modern-day territories of Amandia and Rubiland and its capital was Dreamland which at the time, had a population of 17,000+ people. Jolenia was founded july 17th, 1630 by 4 Amandians and 4 Rubilanders and dissolved on January 19th, 1730 by splitting into what is now modern-day Amandia and Rubiland

Tigranakert was a colonial monarchy that was founded on October 4th, 109 by Tigran Yesayan, the first king of Tigranakert, and was dissolved on January 1st, 1850. Tigranakert had a large territory in the Survonian mainland of Steppersonia which had modern-day territories of Ramrodia, the Jameson Federation, Thalmistan, Litistan, Arsenistan, and Tussia and was called "the Survonian territories'', Tigranakert also colonized a portion of the continent of Neonica called "the Neonican Territories" which consisted of the modern-day territories of Neoslavia, Listenburg, Phovia, and the Southern cross.

Checkerson was a country bordering Tussia, the Jameson Federation, and the Saharan Federation. Checkerson had a population of 7+ million people of which 71.4% of the population were native "checkersonians'' and had a population growth rate of 2.3% . Checkerson was founded on May 6th, 1298 but was colonized by Tussia in 1609 until 1821 where it was then colonized by Tigranakert after the treaty of St. Parker until 1876 where it was granted independence from Thalmistan. On September 5th, 1957, Tussia began an invasion into Checkerson with the intention of controlling all of Checkerson; After a year, Checkerson was part of Tussia again

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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