ii. the maid

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As the Yashiro Commissioner, I had to uphold my dignity. A small break in the facade will lead to undetermined amount of flaws and threats. A second of weakness will determine the end of my life if I am not careful. Such so is the life of a Yashiro commissioner.

Before passing, my father told me the importance of integrity, honour and respect. Fail one of these and your reputation will go down the drain immensely.

I sat straight in my dimly lit office, it was nearing dusk and every servant had finished their daily duty. This is the time where they used to rest or energise themselves. Usually, I would be alone in my office to complete my papers. My sister usually came home around dinner, as there's a festival under her guidance reaching its final weeks of preparations.

As I say, at this time I am usually alone. So imagine the surprise when I found the head maid of the household bringing me tea before dinner. She slipped an envelope on my desk and sat in fromt of me, awaiting for my actions to unfold the paper within.

"I hope I'm not mistaken, but is this a resignation letter you're handing me, Y/N?"

Y/N. head maid of the household for several years, her days spent on the Kamisato grounds far exceed Thoma, my trusted housekeeper. Her situation remains the same as others; devotion for the Kamisato household in exchange for money, and dedication like no other. She's experienced in handling the duties of the household, the other servants had good things to be said about her.

So why is she quitting? Curious.

"Yes, my lord. It saddens me to say that I wish to end my duty as a maid in this household," she replied. Her posture straight, polite and her voice just as unwavering as me. She's determined.

Holding the letter with both of my hands, I scan the words contained within. Simple resignation wordings, I see this everyday while working. Though, one thing caught my eye.

"Your reason is to take care of family back home?" I asked, eyes still scanning the remainder of the letter. "I can just give you a raise, if that is what you want."


her reply was fast.

"... I'm content with my current pay, its enough to last me a few months."

"But a raise can last you a few more, wouldn't you agree?" I counter her words.

She was a great servant, she took care of the house diligently. It would be a waste to let her go so easily. My gaze went back to her, she remained in her posture as she was before.

Her line of sight went down to the letter. It took a few moments before I hear her reply.

"... While I was in town, someone informed me how they're terribly ill at the moment," she sounded so... fragile. Is she concerned for her family? Of course she does.

"I can give you paid leave. You're welcome to come back at any time," I folded my arms on my desk, my eyes never left her.

The art of words can change a person's mind and decisions, one bad word will leave them astray, one good word will make them stay. People are so fragile, especially when they're desperate for something. One promise is enough to get them in the palm of your hands. Such is the art of words. Once you know how to fool them, its easy to discard people or get their attention at will.


So... why isn't she accepting my alternatives? An undetermined paid leave is a dream for employees, everyone wants it if given the chance.

"I..." she paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "... I think its time I start something new."

Ah... I see now.

I've been catching on to her hints, but I was hoping that wasn't the case. How troublesome indeed.

"You want to venture into a new lifestyle? Is that what I'm hearing?" I asked, for the most part its an act of confirmation.


A loss on my side, and the household. Such a diligent person is hard to let go so easily, I would've refused to accept her resignation if I can. But alas, I have honour and integrity to uphold. What person would I be if I hinder a person from their dreams? Such wild decision is not for someone as honourable as me. I have a name to hold, and hence I must show no weakness.

"Interesting..." I uttered under my breath, based on her actions I think she caught on to my word. "When will you leave?"

"End of this week, my lord... if you grant me to leave, that is."

I placed the letter to the side of my desk, nodding.

"Of course, if that is what you wish then I will grant it. However..." I paused my words, her breath hitched as she held her gaze on me. I lent her a smile, one which would captivate people I intended to captivate. "...Nothing."

Y/N breathed out a sigh of relief. She excused herself, lightly patting her kimono of any dust before she turned around to leave.

Something in me clicked, a small smile made its way to my facade as I parted my lips once more. Something tells me she needs a reminder on who she just conversed with. A long time employer, sure. The head of the Kamisato household, certainly. but above all... Kamisato Ayato.

A conversation with me must always be engrained in their minds, shining through anyone else they managed to converse with. Its how I leave a mark with people.

"I do hope you didn't leave because Thoma overshadowed your duties," my voice cuts through the overbearing silence as she rested her hand on the doorknob. From the looks of it, she was certainly surprised by my words. "That would be petty of you to do so."

And with that, she left.

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