Thank you for not morphing

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Prue walks back over to the manor when Fritz got in between Andy and Prue's conversation. Prue was glad he stepped in so she had a chance to slip away. She notices the door's open "Phoebe" she sighs as she walks in and shuts the door Not knowing that Pheba has gone home before. When she is a bit further into the house she hears a growl when she looks up she sees a dog on the stairs. Prue slowly steps back toward the front door. She runs the last bit towards the front door and runs outside.

Prue finally finds Piper and Phoebe and points out what just happened "Where's Pheba?" asks Prue as Phoebe and Piper look at each other. "She had already gone home" Piper shouts as the sisters run home with Andy following them.

"Pheba!!" Piper yells as she comes running in. When they get to Pheba's door, they see scratches on her door that the dog must have made. "Pheba" Piper says again as she opens the door of their youngest sister. There they see Pheba standing with a club in her hands. The sisters breathe a sigh of relief when they see that she is fine "Thank you, your back!" Pheba speaks with relief as the sisters embrace. "You okay?" asks Andy as he enters the room too. "yeah, just a bit shocked that the dog was inside"

"Yes, if you don't close the door behind you," Prue began. But Pheba looked at her in surprise "I closed the door behind me! I swear it, you know I always close the door"

Andy stepped in between "I'll come and have a look a few times, will you see if anything is missing" Andy said and the girls spread out "She's just worried" Andy spoke when he came to stand next to Pheba who looked around in the living room . "yeah, I know"After making sure nothing had been stolen except for Phoebe's Pat Boone Christmas CD and saying goodbye to Andy, the girls went to bed.


The next morning came too early for Pheba as she walked through the school corridors. "Ready for the test in a minute?" Alex asked, walking next to me. I smiled at him, something in me drew me very close to him, but I was afraid of what my life as a witch would do to a person who didn't know nothing about it, it could be dangerous for him and that's why I preferred to keep some distance. "I hope so, I've been studying hard with my girlfriends for the test, so hope so" I said to him "And you ready for the test?" I asked back "mmh, I hope so, studied hard for it"

"Well let's hope we both do well then" I smiled back. When we got to the door of the classroom Alex opened the door for me like a real gentleman "after you princess" he joked. I shook my head laughing "Thank you my fine prince" his smile couldn't get any bigger after I said that and it made me blush slightly, what was this man doing to me.

We ended up sitting next to each other and with our friends around us, we stopped talking when the teacher handed out the exam. In the middle of the exam I started to get a headache and couldn't concentrate properly so I put down my pen and rubbed my head, hoping to reduce the pain. I felt a kind of peace come over me and saw a kind of blue glow and the pain in my head disappeared. I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me or if others were also seeing that blue glow, but everyone was busy with their exam. I decided to put the event behind me and concentrate on the exam that lay before me.


Around noon, Piper, Phoebe and Prue were sitting in a café when Prue mentioned that their father visited her and asked if they wanted to have dinner with him. "I wonder why he went to you first? Why not Phoebe or me?" Piper asked herself.

Prue looked at her sister "Piper, it's not like I won the lottery" Poebe countered wanting to know more about her father "What was he like? Did he ask about us?"

"Actually, no" began Prue as Phoebe looks upset. "Phoebe, think about it. He abandoned us. He was a no show for twenty years and then what, suddenly here he is? Why now?" Prue wondered aloud to herself.

Charmed: The power of fourOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz