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।।ओम नमः शिवाय।।
।।नारायणाय नमः।।

With the blessings of Lord Shiva and Mahavishnu, I extend my work at their feet.

©2023 KathaTrishna
All Rights Reserved. This book is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced in whole or in part, stored in any retrieval system, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the author and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law. Strict actions will be taken.

This book is dedicated to all the fictional men with whom I fell in love. I wish to be the ink on the same paper as yours.

To all the souls who are seen as a dark sky, probably your moon is waiting for you, somewhere in the realms of this big world. 

To those who have chosen this book, I will try my best to keep you hooked up with my piece of work. Being a new writer, I warmly appreciate your support and love. 

I will update this book every Saturday  but genuinely cant assure you the time.
For more updates, spoilers and aesthetics,  you can follow me on my instagram page on  :  KathaTrishna.  The link is in my bio.

This story is set in somewhere between early 1920's -1930's  bengal. All the characters, incidences and places are fictional.  Any resemblance is just a mere coincidence and should not be thought of anything else.

Lets venture a journey of cordials, broken hearts and parting souls.

Lets venture a journey of cordials, broken hearts and parting souls

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