"Drew, please tell me you're here," I began to panic as I walked through the halls on my cell phone. Wednesday afternoon had come quickly, and today was the costume fitting. I had ordered Drew to meet me outside at 2 o'clock sharp so I can bring her where we needed to be.

"I'm outside. Are you panicking?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled as I made it out the front door, seeing her standing there with her phone pressed to her ear. We hung up but I responded, "I was, but now I'm okay."

She shook her head, smiling, "You should trust me more you know."

I grabbed her hand, pulling her into the building eagerly, "I do trust you, but I get like this for every recital."

It didn't take us long to make it where everyone else was waiting, and I caught sight of Jeremy, Amelia and of course Maria. I pulled Drew towards them and eventually everyone's attention was on me and my unfamiliar dance partner. I decided to ignore the stares as I stopped abruptly next to my other three dancers.

Amelia eyed Drew, "Hey, you're the gym worker!"

Drew seemed surprised to be recognized by the dancer, "Yea, it's Drew, though."

Jeremy chimed in, "That's her partner for the duet."

Maria nudged me playfully as Amelia seemed to eye Drew a little longer than my liking. She nodded, "I think it's awesome that you chose your girlfriend."

My skin ran cold at her comment, realizing most people here thought Drew was in fact my girlfriend when she wasn't. I sucked in a tight breath and corrected her, "Um, well she's not my girlfriend... I just said that to Andrews to make her feel bad."

Jeremy and Maria had gone silent as Amelia corrected herself, "Oh my bad..."

I was conscious of Drew's reaction because whenever the word 'girlfriend' had left Amelia's mouth her hand squeezed mine; making me aware we were in fact still holding hands. I let her go immediately, not wanting her to feel more uncomfortable than she already did.

Then they called for the soloists and I dragged Drew with me, knowing me and my group would be going later. I looked back at her, apologizing, "Drew I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... I just told the director we were together because-"

 "Why are you apologizing?" she interrupted as her silvery eyes looked at me. "I'm glad people think we're together."

I felt the relief settle in the place of my worry then, thanking God that she hadn't been mad or upset with me. Why had I been convinced otherwise? I mean we were practically together, just without the label. We had never discussed it thoroughly, but like I had told her, we would take it slow, but not too slow.

But now was not to the time as the design students grabbed Drew and I first, eager to get the one and only duet out of the way. I was shuffled into a separate dressing room apart from Drew, and I was handed the dress I had personally drew up myself. It wasn't anything spectacular, but I was eager to see it on me.

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