First thing she did was take a quick shower just for her body to feel clean then got dressed to head back into the room to find Elijah already dressed.

"I'm going to get Luna, I'll meet you in the kitchen" she said before heading out of the room making her way to the room where they had left the cat when Aurora opened the door the cat immediately opened its eyes and made her way to her.

"Hi mi niña linda..." Aurora immediately picked her up.

Luna meant a lot to Aurora since the day she found the cat in New York. It became her partner, the one thing that was consistent in her life and now that Elijah was in the picture she didn't want to leave her out and Aurora could tell he wasn't trying to do that either.

He made sure she found accommodations not only for her but for Luna as well and Aurora loved that because she was not getting rid of Luna at all.

Aurora eventually walked down the stairs to the kitchen where she saw lunas food on the table and other things. She sat the cat down on the counter like she liked and began to prepare things not only for the cat but for her and Elijah as well.

She worked with what she found and got to making breakfast for the cat first then for her and Elijah. After a while the man joined them watching how Aurora was making food.

"Oh aurora you didn't have to..." Elijah said, looking at everything she had made.

"You can't turn down my pancakes. It's my specialty, well my dads. When I was growing up he made me some every Sunday morning. Eventually I started making them but then I stopped but today I'm making some and you will not turn them down" the girl demanded as she went to check on Luna.

Elijah was still so intrigued on how Aurora was so attached to the cat. He had never seen anyone the way Aurora was towards Luna. She treated her like it was her actual daughter and he didn't shame her at all but he just found it so intriguing.

"I don't mean to come off as rude but you really do treat her like your actual child there's nothing wrong with it I find it fascinating actually" Elijah was very cautious about his words. He still treated the girl like she was made out of glass and Aurora appreciated it but she knew eventually they were going to have to get over that.

"I've always wanted a kid of my own it was always my dream...I really wanted to have one but as you know I wasn't allowed to and when I finally did I turned into a vampire and it was taken for me permanently I never thought about having a pet but when I saw her and took her in I realized how much it filled that void it does feel like having a child it's not the same but it's still great"

Elijah took a moment before saying anything. He knew what it was like being robbed from that it was something most of them were robbed from the one thing that couldn't be fixed. He liked that she had found an alternative but it was not the same.

"You started reading," Elijah pointed out at the book she had ahead of her.

"Yes a lot of information but still no leads" the girl replied taking the platter of pancakes to the table where there was other stuff there to add on.

Elijah quickly joined her to begin to have breakfast.

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After having eaten, Aurora still sat on the table with Elijah reading, almost having made their way through all of them when they heard footsteps making their way to them only to see Rebekah walking in with some shopping bags as she wore a big smile on her face.

"Smells amazing in here" the blonde announced walking closer to them.

"They're a bit cold but I'm sure they still taste great" Aurora flashed a smile to the girl and Rebekah just sat down helping herself to a few.

𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦- E. Mikaelson Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora