Chapter 11

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With a week under her belt, Laura felt she was beginning to get into the swing of things around the ranch. She seemed to naturally awaken by six in the morning and was so enthusiastic about riding that she hardly minded. And while her legs had never hurt more in her entire life, she felt greater excitement to jump back on Ranger every single day. Lee had begun allowing her to ride a bit ahead of him, to canter, and even told her she'd be ready to ride out with Robert in the next few days. Laura couldn't remember the last time she had enjoyed anything as much.

Midway through their second week on the Bar W, Laura took a ride with Lee to check on the herd early in the morning while Robert focused on his school work, which had resumed. It was her final test before being allowed to accompany Robert on their own and she was more than confident she would pass it.

Laura and Lee rode out about two hours before tracking down the herd. Lee spoke to a hand and then they rode on a little while longer. All the while, Laura kept up fairly well. Lee even let her ride a little bit faster as they approached the Winds. By the time they finally stopped for a break, they were practically at the foothills and Laura continued to be astonished by the beauty of the range.

"You're doin' real well, Laura," Lee said once they got down to stretch, "I think it's fair to say you passed the test. So long as you feel comfortable."

"I do. If someone's with me."

"Well, hell, you're not goin' out alone yet anyway," he laughed, "that's a whole other level of ready you won't reach 'til next year or so."

Laura felt a warmth come over her at the thought of coming back next year and each year going forward, the fact that Lee was speaking of the future as if it were a certainty. That brought her a particular sense of security in her position, which she still often felt was precarious for one reason or another.

Noting her silence as Laura stared off at the mountains rather than looking at him, Lee continued, "have you been enjoyin' yourself so far?"

"Very much! I never thought I'd like riding as much as I do, especially since I was so afraid at first."

"Gray told us you were brave. I'm not surprised you took to it fast."

"Hardly brave," Laura replied, "I practically jumped when Ranger moved the first time I went to pet him."

"I'd say all you did for Rob was pretty brave," Laura blushed, "I'm sorry to bring it up if it's still tough for you to talk about, but anybody who could do what you did is braver 'n they know. And you should remember that."

"I didn't really have a choice."

"'Course you did. Gray wrote us all about it. The way he told it, you were outta the house, safe 'n you got 'im help. Then you decided to go back anyway."

The last thing Laura wanted to do was rehash the incident with Larson, especially having to hear that she was brave or heroic in that. She had never felt that way about it and hated when people insisted she had done something special, "and, in the end, that didn't even help him that much."

"The way I see it, he's alive and doin' alright. I'd say you did a lotta good," Lee said, "but I never intended to embarrass you talkin' about it."

"You're not... I just don't like remembering."

"Speakin' of rememberin'," Lee exclaimed without missing a beat, "there's somethin' I've been meanin' to tell you for days."

Grateful for the change of topic, Laura looked at him curiously, waiting for him to go on, though Lee had paused for either dramatic effect or because he had once again forgotten what he had meant to say. Looking at him didn't do much to point her in either direction.

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