Part 1

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Francisco slowly blinked awake, his eyes almost immediately blinded by the beam of light that somehow perfectly shone into his eyes.

He rubbed his face tiredly. He was a good student and that meant staying up all night to finish homework.

Stretching his arms while yawning led to him hitting the HUGE purple water bottle sitting on his nightstand. (Why does he need such a big water bottle? How does it never seem to run out of water? Why is it purple? All perfectly good questions that we might never get the answer to).

He quickly brushed his teeth with the water from the HUGE purple water bottle cuz he's not musty or crusty and made his way downstairs.

He was greeted by someone speaking in Spanish because he's Mexican.

"Hola! Como estas?" His abuela called out cheerfully.

Francisco ignored her cuz el no habla espanol even tho he's Mexican. He didn't ignore her on purpose of course. He's a kind young gentlemen after all.

Abuela realizing her mistake quickly corrected herself, "I meant- How are you?"

"Oh idk Abuela" said Francisco depressingly (he was trying to cosplay Shabell), "Todays fine tbh. Nothing different from yesterday."

"But something is different today! Your soulmate started writing to you!" Abuela clapped excitedly, pointing to his muscly arms.

Francisco immediately looked down at his right bicep in surprise. It was blank.

"Not that one silly," Abuela slapped her head, "Your left arm."

Francisco felt his face flush bright red with shame. He hated not knowing the difference between his tight and his left. It really makes it difficult when your trying to drive.

He looked at his other arm and gasped (idk why cuz Abuela already told him that his soulmate wrote to him). His eyes fixated on the limited words on his skin.
He skimmed over them a couple hundred times, trying to tattoo the sentence into his mind before finally lifting his head to look at Abuela. His eyes shined with happiness.

"Well tell me what your soulmate said!" Abuela snapped impatiently (she was smiling tho which explains the exclamation mark).

Francisco took a deep breath before replying.


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