The Saviour

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Crowley knew something had happened, something really terrible. He could smell it. He was in a state. He paced around for 20 minutes, decided he should stop and sit
down to actually formulate a plan. Hell had cast him out for good now, so how could he get back in?

A demon. He could body swap with a demon! The only demon he still could contact was a guy called Eric. He had funky hair and really long bottom eyelashes. Him and Crowley used to be pretty good friends before he was sent to earth. They always said if either of them needed a favour then they could use each other. Of course there was always a twist as they were both demons, but it was something nevertheless. Crowley had an old burner phone that he always kept in the Bentley among his glasses collection. He grabbed it and punched in the number.

"Yeah? Who's this?" Eric

"Hey Eric. Uhh it's Crowley." Crowley

"Crowley?! Oh my Satan I thought you were probably dead by now. What do you want, I know you want something." Eric

"Right. Yes. I- well I was wondering if I could have a favour." Crowley

"Depends." Eric

"I need to get into Hell" Crowley

"What?! Crowley! That's fucking stupid. You will get caught?" Eric

"Yeah well, I was thinking...maybe we could have a body swap..?" Crowley

"...What?! Are you insane? Nope. Never. Never in eternity!" Eric

"Eric. I swear to G- Satan. Whatever you want, I will get. Please man! C'mon!" Crowley

"Fine. But you have to do all of my earthly body paperwork. I'm sick of being discorporated all the bloody time." Eric

"Alright. Settled then?" Crowley

"Yeah I guess. When?" Eric

"As soon as possible." Crowley

The two demons planned to meet at 6pm that afternoon. Crowley would save his Angel no matter what it cost him.

* * *


Crowley had gotten to the meeting spot early. He was disguised as a dog walker and was wearing a wig so that one, Eric could walk around Hell without raising suspicion and two, if he was ratting him out he could play it off. Surely enough, the ground formed a hole and Eric rose out.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Eric

"A disguise. Do you think Hell will be fine with you as me wandering around?" Crowley

Eric thought about it. He then nodded in agreement. He'd never been very bright.

"Alright well. Let's get this over with then. What d'you even need to go to Hell for anyway?" Eric

"They took something that is mine and I need it back." Crowley

The two demons took each others hands and their bodies formed into one another's.

"Thanks for this Eric. I know demons shouldn't be greatful but honestly thanks."

"They shouldn't be honest either." Eric chuckled. "Bye Crowley."

With that, Crowley got into the Bentley and followed the awful scent of evil and badness which led him right below Aziraphale's bookshop. There was a knot in his throat as he read 'A.Z FELL AND co'.

He knocked.

The door opened and Muriel was standing with a shocked look on their face.

"Hello! Who are you?" Muriel

"Oh...Hi Muriel, I forgot you would be here. It's Crowley by the way, I'm not in my body." Crowley

"Are you tricking me?" Muriel

"No! Look I will prove it. How do you arrest someone?" Crowley

"Bla bla bla bla bla?" Muriel

"Exactly! Bla bla bla bla bla! Can I come in?" Crowley

"Alright! I suppose so." Muriel

Fuck. Crowley hated how much Muriel reminded him of Aziraphale.

"Okay Im going to Hell, I just need to find that scent..." Crowley

"Why are you going to h- that place?" Muriel

"Aziraphales there, I know it." Crowley

"But why! He was supposed to be the new Archangel Gabriel!" Muriel

"Yeah well your lot isn't as nice as you think." Crowley

Without another word, he realised that the scent was coming from a cupboard in the bookshop. He barged in and sunk into the floor, all the way down.

He clattered onto the floor which alarmed some near-by demons but they were too miserable to care. Crowley stood up and inhaled deeply. Everything smelled evil but amongst it was a sweet heavenly smell; Aziraphale's smell. The demon always had known what he smelled like, ever since the beginning. That's when Crowley first fell for the Angel. At the Garden of Eden, when he gave his sword away. He just knew that they would know eachother for a while. 

Crowley rushed towards the smell. It was a locked door. Shit. He peered through the gap.

"Who the FUCK did this." Crowley

His blood boiled with rage. His teeth were gritted  so strongly that his jaw ached. His hands were curled into tight fists. He couldn't really see what had happened but he did see his Angel on the floor, covered in something. He was also in chains which was too far even if he was fine. But it was clear that someone did something to him.

Crowley miracled himself into the room, which was really risky for being in Hell but he didn't care at all.

He stood in shock. His Angel lay, his head was covered in blood and his back had two huge gashes on it with stumps.

Someone had hurt his angel. Someone would get hurt for doing this. Someone would die for doing this.

He bolted over and held Aziraphale in his arms.

"Angel?! Angel, oh my Satan! Angel wake up! Please Angel, please. Aziraphale! Wake up...wake up! Wake up please." Crowley

Aziraphale's eyes fluttered open and he smiled slightly.

"C- Crowley..?" He croaked.

"Thank fuck. Yes's me. I swapped bodies. Im so glad your not dead." Crowley

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Crowley. I should have never left." Azi

His voice was so weak. He was trembling. It broke Crowley's heart but he had to stay strong.

"Oh Angel. It's okay. I'm sorry for kissing you, I didn't think you would...uh. I didn't think you would hate it so much." Crowley

"Oh, my dear. I didn't hate it at all! I was just... I don't really know. I think the Metatron put something in my coffee. I felt really dizzy after I drank it." Azi

"That little bastard. Let's get you out of here Angel." Crowley

Crowley clung onto Azi and miracled his chains away, again risky. He then went back up to earth and reappeared in the cupboard. Muriel opened the door and their face dropped.

"What happened to Mister Aziraphale?" Muriel

"Hell happened." Crowley

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