Cry for help

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Aziraphale had been stripped of his dignity but not his powers. For the last 3 earthly days, he had been trying to pray. Angels could pray to whoever they please, it's just harder depending where they are. Praying to God is very difficult as she is very far away. Praying to humans is pretty easy as they are always on earth which isn't that far down, or up in this case. Still, Azi's praying skills were far out of use as he would normally just used the chalk circle in his bookshop but he wasn't there right now. He brought his hands together and focussed on his thoughts.


"Help me."

He could tell that it faltered. It never really works the first try anyway.


Hmm, that seemed quite weak.

"Crowley! Help!"

That should've done it, hopefully.

He slumped back down. He didn't care about how dirty the floor was anymore. He didn't care how scared he felt. He just wanted to go back to earth and be left alone with Crowley. Angels shouldn't want things. Its too late. Maybe he didn't want to be an angel anymore... No! He didn't want to fall. That was the last thing he wanted. The door swung open.

"Hello. Ive smelled summit angelic comin' from in ere'. Not just you. Summit more."

This was a new torturer. Their accent was very different to the other.

"Oh...well i suppose i was just, uhm. Well! When angels feel strong emotions, they radiate angelic light! And ive been feeling quite sad, as you can imagine. So, it was probably just that!" Aziraphale lied.

Well, it wasn't fully a lie, when angels feel intense feelings of love they radiate angelic light. Crowley had caught him glowing on multiple occasions but he played it off by blaming it on the surroundings or a memory.

"Alrighty then? Anyways, its time for your daily torturings!" The figure smirked.

"Oh, lovley...Get on with it then." Azi replied hesitantley. (Sarcasm)

The figures eyes were empty and peircing. They stared into the angels inner being. They walked towards him but stopped, pulling something from their pocket. Something metal.
Something sharp.
Azi froze up. His whole body was tense. Please God, please let Crowley have heard his prayer. The figure shoved him against the wall and put the blade at his neck.

"Wouldn't it be funny if I cut your Adams Apple out? I think me boss would be very 'appy with that." The figure suggested, maliciously.

"No! Please don't! I know there's no point begging but that would discorporate me and- and then you will have a lot of paperwork and- just please!" The angel pleaded.

"Fine. But, you have to get your wings out instead then.." the figure sniggered.

The room was lit up as his wings emerged and filled the empty space. They were quite dirty regarding the state of the angel but white nonetheless.

"Yes. Very good. Now, sleep well angel." The figure spat as they preformed a huge blow to Azi's head, knocking him out.

The room went black once again.

* * *

The agony was overwhelming. Aziraphale's back stung and it felt like a thousand acid-drenched knives were stabbing him in his shoulder blades. He wailed in pain. He couldn't move, all he could do was scream and cry. His voice echoed throughout the cell. One of his eyes had no vision as his head was bleeding into it. A red dot flashed in the corner of the room, it was a camera. He was being recorded in his most painful moment. All Azi wanted to do was fly away, but his wings were gone.

They had been cut off.

Good Omens, Season 3Where stories live. Discover now