Just a Demon.

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It was not a nice day. None of the days had been nice since he left.

His Angel had gone to be with the other stupid fucking angels and left Crowley alone on this stupid fucking planet with these stupid fucking humans who lived their stupid fucking lives and left him with his own stupid fucking thoughts.

The demon couldn't even drive any farther away as The Bentley just refused to move after they reached a certain point about ten miles away from the bookshop. Crowley still lived in his car as his flat still wasn't available to him. His plants swayed from time to time as if to ask what was happening.
"Oh what Patrick?! If I had a shredder right now, guess where you'd be going!" Crowley screamed at one of his plants. That is when he just broke down. Azi had named all of his plants and persuaded him to treat them kindly. The demon said it was a stupid thing to do but followed the angels advice when he was alone. He started to notice their growth rates improving after that. Aziraphale just made everything better. And what was Crowley going to do without him now? Be a true demon? He couldn't even do that before Azi had any major impact on his existance. He had managed to convince Hell that he was one of their best; although this was all just a show of confidence and gaslighting. He was actually probably one of the worst demons Hell had, these days he seemed to be actually spreading more kindness than evil. Kind. He hated that four letter word. Well, used to. Aziraphale repeatedly called Crowley kind or nice whenever he would demonically miracle something in favour of the Angel. He supposed it might be kind but there is a whole dictionary of better words to use other than kind and nice.

Suddenly the Bentley started up again.

The demon drove around London for
hours, nothing played from the radio since 'A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square' had played. The only noise was blaring horns and wind. He could just miracle all the noise away but he wanted to suffer. He wanted to feel all of this pain. He deserved it right? I mean he is a demon, he did fall, he did reject Gods love. Fuck.
Azi was the only other being he ever loved since God. And just like her, he screwed it up. Of course Azi and God's love were different, Aziraphale's love was romantic, physical. God's was just respectful and parental. However, it was the only forms of love he has ever received in his whole existence. Everyone in Hell hated each other, humans mostly hated Crowley because of his rude remarks and awful driving and almost every angel hated him. Maybe every angel now.
He definitely hated a lot of angels. He loathed Gabriel. If it wasn't for Jim, Gabriel would have had his limbs and wings ripped of long ago. When he and Azi preformed the body swap, he saw how his Angel was treated by his 'higher in command' angels. Can you guess? Like shit. He was treated like a fallen even though he was ten times a better angel than they were and will ever be. The demon re visits Gabriel's words in his head constantly, "Shut your stupid mouth and die already." How could any being in the whole universe, no matter how evil, allow those cruel words to spout from their mouth; especially the Archangel! The being who is supposed to be one of the kindest. The messenger of God. Crowley just couldn't understand how Gabriel and Beez can go off as a happy little couple, no consequences, no one to bother them. The literal Duke of Hell and Arseangel Gabriel. (Two massive twats) are allowed to be content but Aziraphale has to get ripped away from him when he finally admits his feelings after 6000 years?!

What is God playing at? Who does she think she is?! It's all 'The Great Plan!' Fuck that! This is the same God that is apparently 'omnibenevolent' but sent millions of Angels to fall or be destroyed just because they upset her. The same God who is 'omniscient' but apparently thought that not one soul would disagree with her plans. She's 'omnipotent' but some things can't be changed! It just made absolutely no sense to Crowley. If you are going to be a God, at least act like one.

He can vaguely remember his fall. It was so painful, physically and emotionally. He can remember God's booming, thundering voice. It was so loud that some angels lost their hearing. It shook the clouds, knocked angels off of their feet. They couldn't even try to fly as the sound waves were too strong, like a tsunami knocking them instantly back down. Each angel fell individually, into their own pool of sulphur. The falling would terrify them and then the pool of acid would burn their skin -permanently- if they didn't get out in time. Some fallen would make their escape quick enough, some landed unfortunately and suffered the consequences. Crowley knew a demon without a lower jaw who didn't leave the pool quick enough. Burned, loose skin just hung from their cheeks. It took a lot of the demons a while to get used to the sights of Hell. Traumatic scenes, like being in a horror movie but the characters are everyone around you. After a couple of decades you become desensitised though.

Crowley snapped out of his many, many, many thoughts and drove to the only place he could think to go.


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