YOU'RE 20?!?!?

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I'm sorry for being gone for a little while 😼 but I'm back :)
Also very little m/n action he's only really 'in action' in the 3rd book :)
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M/Ns POV -

As i leave my third class of the day i sigh, being very exhausted i make the wise decision to head to my napping place. I turn to head down the stairs, then suddenly my body feels as if it's not my own.

I fall down the stairs.

I damage my wing.

My wing is facing the wrong direction.

I am fighting the urge to summon a sword and impale everyone around me and then myself.

'Shit' i mutter flinching slightly as i get up off the floor. I knew this would happen, after hearing about the accidents. I should've been more careful, now mr grumpy horn man is gonna be on my ass and take away my ice cream. :(

Limping slightly to the nurses office i see the infamous group of annoying children (not the blueberry haven't decided if he's annoying or not yet) heading in my direction. Stopping in front of me the "responsible" one steps forward. 'Umm.. we'd- we'd like to ask what happened?'

'Isnt it pretty obvious?'
I say really annoyed i had run into these nuisances again. 'My wing is literally bent the wrong way. It is sticking outwards and i am bleeding horrifically, now if you don't mind i am in a rather sour mood (because of you) and would like to get my injuries treated.' I state giving the ginger one a glare. Pushing past them i go into the office...

-•-•-•-time skip-•-•-•-

I just realised i never learnt the annoying groups names.

They're irrelevant anyways so it doesn't matter.

Hearing the door open i see a green haired dude with glasses walk in. Who is that? I noticed he's from the dorm with a shit ton of rules.

Another name i can't remember.

Ahh i won't be able to fly for a while due to my injury. I'll need to undergo physical therapy then. I truly hate that walking second place medal. He reminds me of someone though i cannot remember who.


'So what're you in here for?' I question the greenette. Tilting my head slightly, 'I fell down the stairs' he replies, scratching his neck a little. 'Hmm same for me.'

That's suspicious.

seems his plan this year is sabotage. I'm so sick of him.

I decide to take a nap. I'll walk over to the gardens to sleep against a tree or something.

Hopefully i don't get caught :)

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