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explosion....Shadow!!!!....aaahhhhh! .....what? Where? *looks in the mirror* what have they done to me?! Crystal ? ...*looks over to see blood * Crystal!!! Speak to me!*puts his ear to her chest no heartbeat * I'm so sorry *crying* 53 years later after the event of biolizard *jolts awake *
Aslan- another bad dream... I wonder if your still alive chief? Aslan gets out of the abandon apartment in the forest. And went to were the tribe hid its still there but what about the chief? She came out then disappeared aslan slightly tilted his head then relaxed and turned around the chief stood there scars all over her body her fur was a peach lavender she looks like her father all except her eyes one red and one green representing her grandfather and mother she was very intimidating even in her relax state.
Starfire-don't say anything don't apologize you did no wrong and you didn't say anything wrong. I've said this many times aslan your free to come back anytime many of the tribes miss you even the top.
Aslan- I know *his hears fold down holding his arm *
Starfire-I'm not gonna force you I do hope you return to us.
Aslan stood still as starfire rubbed her muzzle on his cheek he could sense her sadness as he gently pressed his face into hers as she gives him his space again.
Starfire-may your travels be filled with peace and may Amit guide you.
Aslan bows and starfire disappeared aslan wandered from the forest to the city then feels a presence coming from a military base he was curious for sure he changed to his curse form the evil voices still try to turn him but he shakes it off as he snuck inside guards, a robot, a bat and...a black hedgehog the black smell familiar but it was extremely faint.
Hunan -hay who are you!*cough blood as he fell to the ground *
Aslan removes his dagger but accidentally backs into the alarm and it sounds he starts running the alarm was disorienting quickly getting lost Aslan cursed himself then gets hit by the black
Shadow-who are you!!! Dark arms?!
Aslan hits the black with his tail and slash the blacks chest with his claws but there was no exit the black seal the only way out guess he has to fight his way out aslan got on all fours his body was so alien figuratively and literally so scared to turn his true form that his body shook.
Shadow-*wipes the blood off his mouth *what's wrong scared to face me !
Aslan and shadow spin dash each other but aslan was stronger as he threw shadow into the wall but his stamina wasn't there his curse form hindered him in more ways than one. Aslan was out of breath as he punched slash and stunted shadow stood but his body shook from blood loss and loss of his breath he fought many opponents but none this strong he then felt his body get slammed to the ground and felt his arms getting pinned and he was face to face with his opponent.
Aslan-who are you!
Shadow-I'm shadow the ultimate life form!
Aslan's gaze softened as he released his grip in shock shadow took the chance and spin dash him into a wall aslan pushed him off.
Aslan-stop this your hurt!
Shadow- what are you doing here black arms!
Aslan -i don't know what that is I never intended to hurt you son.
Shadow-your not my father i don't have one!
Aslan-*shook his curse body like removing water off his body turning back into his semi normal body his body stood on two legs but slouch like a bear on two very unfamiliar with his own body* yes I am I lost you when you were a pup.
Shadow-you have no proof!
Aslan-I carry the rag that the enemy cleaned you with its all i have of you and your mother who they murder and the enemy cursed me.
An alarm goes off as gas filled the room
Aslan-what is this *cough as he panics then passes out *
Shadow passes out from the gas as well.

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