Cast Pt 2

772 13 2

Margot Robbie as Aphrodite

Goddess of Love

Jensen Ackles as Ares

God of War

Gal Gadot as Athena 

Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy

Luke Evans as Poseidon

God of the Sea

David Harbour as Hephaestus 

God of Fire

Jenna Ortega as Artemis

Goddess of the Hunt

Tom Hiddleston as Hades

God of the Underworld

Chris Evans as Apollo

God of the Sun, Music and Poetry 

Natalie Portman as Hera

Goddess of Women

Matt Smith as Hermes

The Messenger God

Jack Black as Dionysus

The God of Wine

Elizabeth Olsen as Demeter

Goddess of Harvest

Daughter of Hades - WTM - HP/PJOजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें