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New York City, USA


oh dude i forgot to mention
i'll be in NY from tomorrow
for like the foreseeable future

AH finally

you said you would like 2
weeks ago

i know i know

i just couldn't be bothered 😔😔


couldn't be bothered to
come see me ☹️☹️

im sorry </3 i couldn't be bothered
facing joe to get my things back

please forgive me 😖

ugh ur forgiven ig 🙄

ty 🤭


I'm renting a place on Cornelia st
while Tribeca gets renovated


what do u want me to do about it?

get the red carpet prepped for ur

ha ha ur hilarious

but ur not far off can u come
help me move in 🥺

who am i ur slave?

yes actually

what else are best friends for?

if thats the case im officially
resigning from the position of
best friend

anyway its no. 13

be around at 1?

ugh the fact u already know i
cant say no to u


yes ill be there 😞

TSYM 💗💗💗💗💗💗


love u too ig 🙄

The next day, almost exactly bang on 1pm, Dani was being let in to Taylor's new place by her security. She ventured upstairs to the living room, where she was told she was most likely to find the girl.

When she reached the room, she was greeted with the sight of Taylor sat on the floor in the middle of the room playing with Olivia while Meredith glared at the two from the sofa.

Slowly, she creeped up behind Taylor, waiting until she was right behind her before reaching out and grabbing her shoulders and yelling causing Olivia to scramble away and for Taylor to scream extremely loudly before realising who it was.

"AHH FUCK OH MY GOD DANI WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?!" she screamed as a hand went up to her chest, heart hammering away in her chest.

end of desire || TSWhere stories live. Discover now