Chapter 2: The Next Adventure

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2 years later.....

On the coast of Australia, there was a cruise ship that drifted a shore. However, there was on one on board. No crew, no captain, no staff, not even passengers.

In Fiji, a village was found destroyed, and not a single soul or body was seen.

Finally, an Indonesian Jumbo Jet has been sliced clean in half. However, no one was on the crash sight.

Soon, a new global task force know as M.A.I.I.T(Massive Animal Incident Investigation Team) has been created.

And the leader is none other than Major Anthony Hicks.

"Major Hicks!" said a man over the radio, "There is something you should know. There is a massive object down in New England. We have no idea where it is, or what it came from."

"Well, what did the team in the area say about it?" asked Hicks.

"That's just it sir, there's nobody here."

Hicks froze, before saying, "What do you mean nobody's there?"

"I mean, there's nobody here! Not a single soul. No bodies, not even pets. We found the equipment, but there seems to have been a struggle here. But there's no blood. There's some missing ammunition as well. And all over, there seems to be what looks like giant egg shells that have hatched."

Hicks then said, "Soldier, pick up all that ammunition. We're gonna need it."

"Yes sir."

The transmission was cut off, and Hicks met with the staff.

One was named General Arron, who asked, "What's the situation?"

"Not a single person or animal seen in that town. Not even our men. And they reported that there were massive hatched eggs."

"Godzilla," said another member, "One must have survived!"

"We need Dr. Tatopolous!" said Hicks, "Someone get him on the phone!!"


Wedding bells are heard. Nick and Audrey walk out of the church, holding hands.

"So, Mr. Tatopolous," said Audrey, "Where to now?"

"Where ever we wish, Mrs. Tatopolous," said Nick.

The two waved to the crowd, and the newly weds headed towards the limo. Nick let Audrey wave one last time, and the two climbed in.

The moment that they were in, the door slammed shut, and locked itself, before the limo took off at high speeds.

"Woah!!!" said Nick.

"What the heck!?!" exclaimed Audrey.

Soon, they realized that they were going away from their destination.

"HEY!!!" snapped Nick, "What the hell are you doing!?!"

The car then pulled over and stopped, and the window to the driver's booth opened to reveal a familiar face to the two.

"Philippe?" asked Nick.

"Bonjour you two," said Philippe, "Congratulations on your marriage."

"Look," said Audrey, "What ever it is, this couldn't have waited?"

"It's Godzilla," said Philippe, handing the two a file.

Inside, it showed all the events that had happened around the world.

"It is possible that Godzilla could be behind these attacks," said Philippe.

"What?" asked Audrey.

"No, that's not possible," said Nick, "Even if Godzilla survived, there's no way that Godzilla could be behind this. There's too much inconsistency!"

"What other explanation could you have for this?" asked Philippe.

"He has a point Nick," said Audrey, "But, Godzilla is innocent until proven guilty."

Philippe looked at Audrey, and said, "You can't come along."

"No!" said Audrey, "I'm coming. I left Nick once, I'm not doing it again."

Philippe was about to argue, when Audrey grabbed him by the collar, and stared right into his eyes, and said, "Not, leaving. Now, where to!?"

Philippe was pushed back, and said, rather shaken, "Well, we should start south, given the ocean temperatures, and the attack promiscuity, the best place to start would be Australia."

"Well then," said Audrey, "Let's get packing."

(So, the script that has been posted says that Audrey divorces Nick in the middle of the film. I feel that is unnecessary since they built up the whole love arc in the first movie. So I changed it up a bit, and made Audrey hijacked the trip, and make her more feisty. And if you're wondering what this is based off of, look here. 👇)

Godzilla: New Bloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें