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Two weeks ago, if you asked me about how breasts felt i would probably be really confused and say: ''i don't know, why do you ask?''

I didn't had a clue as expected, because i was just a 17 year old boy who just wanted to blend in with the rest of the  people of the school and live my life in piece, between my medicine books and my two friends. Part of that group of normies who just didn't got any bitches 

Two weeks ago if you asked me what was my favorite dress length i would have stared right into your soul  until you leaved the room and probably the school by sheer  uncomfortability. I hate dresses because the only time i used one was on the Wacky Wardrobe day and i know you are quick to asume that it didn't go well

Two weeks ago, if you asked me what was my daily makeup routine i would have said: ''what the hell are you talking about?  i'm a dude''

 Two weeks ago if you asked me about how i felt about girls getting catcalled by strangers i would have probably said: ''knowing what ladies wear this days, i am not surprised at all''.  It is important to know that i had very little education about the theme during those days and nowdays i cringe a bit about myself whenever i remember that

Two weeks ago if you asked me about what boys i think are cute i would obviously have said that of course none of them, because i like girls. Of course i can appreciate handsomness but there is a void of difference between that and thinking a dude is cute (of course i have spent most of my time around better looking people than me)

Two weeks ago if you asked me about how it felt to fight someone to the death i would have remained silent and probably would have think about that the rest of the day and night

Two weeks ago if you asked me  how it felt being stabbed in the chest i would have answered that fortunately enough i did not know, and i prefferred to keep things that way

Two weeks ago if you asked me how it feels when a you slash someone else's throat i would have stared at you and asked: ''are you a psycho or what?'', and then would have proceeded to stay away as possible from you

And i wanted to keep everything like that, but for better or for worse things didn't go as planned 

Two weeks ago i was just a normal teenager that  liked medicine and playing videogames, one who didn't had  any other preocupation besides grades and being able to beat The Queen of Hatred by next week and one who had a hopeless  appearence-based crush on the most popular girl of the school, one who just wanted to  get to college, get to a good job and spent the rest of my days in peace, but that was two weeks ago, now i have an answer to all these questions, and maybe even a bit more. Because two weeks ago i changed forever, my life changed forever, and i will never be able to return to how things were, i am now stuck in this war, for the rest of my days.

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