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(Miyaka's POV)

"You think you can easily get away from me, Yamamoto Miyaka?" I just let out a sigh as I thought about it again. Since that 'incident', his words never left on my head. Every time I sleep, it always crosses on my mind.

I really didn't quite understand about it though. I always heard about that, whenever Akashi happened to bump into somebody by accident, he would just say 'Know your place, mortal', as he stares at them sharply before he leaves. But then, how come that he did something differently to me?

And with that, I suddenly shiver on the thought.

"Have I done something wrong?" I whisper to myself as I walk alone.

After a while, I already reach inside the classroom and I am about to take my seat when I notice a sudden figure outside the room.

And I felt like my body froze in ice as I look at the person outside.

Then, I heard some noises around the place. I am not able to turn my eyes away because it seems like my gaze stuck on him.

What's he doing here?

Then, I notice two of my male classmates, followed his gaze until their eyes landed from my place. I gulp as I saw his smirk.

I tried to move but it's no use. It seems like my body turn into a statue while my eyes are still on him.

Then, he finally went off and leaves. That is the only time I could finally breathe easily.

I really don't know what is happening to me. It seems like, I'm under a spell. I harshly sat down on my chair, still gulping for air. I could feel the sweat that is forming out from my skin.

Why am I feeling this way?

As I take a deep breath, I heard one of my classmate say,

"That's a first... I never see her like that before. What happened to her anyway?"

I turn my eyes on them and they suddenly flinch as they go back to their places. I shift my gaze away, still breathing heavily.

After a moment, I feel myself calmed down before our teacher arrives and start the discussion.

Yet, I couldn't forget what had happened a while ago...


(Miyaka's POV)

After having lunch, I'm now heading to the school's gym to watch a friend play. His name is Kotaro Hayama. We're not at the same class but we met last year and we become friends.

At first, I really didn't see him as one but he's just so nice and sometimes adorable so I just make friends with him. The only difference is, I didn't go further than what I did before. I don't want to lose a good friend again.

And also, I really don't want to come but since Kotaro was being so persistent, I just agreed on his request. If only it weren't for their captain, I really don't mind coming.

Upon reaching the place, I really have the urge to get out of the place seeing the person I want to avoid on the first place.

"A-Akashi..." I suddenly whispers out as I stare at him. While looking at him, I could sense that he's expecting me to come right this very minute. The way he stares at me, I felt that he already knows I'm coming.


I don't know but I really want to thank Kotaro this time, for cutting off my tension. I quickly avert my eyes on his direction and wave at him, even I could still feel my body shaking from the sight. My attention is now on Kotaro but I could still feel his eyes on me even though I wasn't looking. I pulled off a deep breath as I ran towards Kotaro.

"Glad you'd come, Miyaka." He greeted as I got closer, a smile plastered on his face.

I'm about to say something when a stern voice cut us off.

"I'm sorry for the disturbance but we're about to start."

We both turn his eyes on him which I regret doing so.

He's staring straightly at me as if he's seeing through me. Right then, I felt it again.

After 2 minutes of staring, he finally turned on his back and walks toward their bench. Just right that time, I let out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for that, Miyaka..."

I turn to him and shake my head lightly as I force a smile on my face. "N-No... it's alright... it's just that, he's just intimidating..."

"Always..." he added as he scratch his nape.

"I think, y-you should get going. I'll just take a sit on this side. Don't worry about me... I'm... I'm okay."

He stares at me for a while before he smiles again. "Okay. I'll treat you a snack after the class."

"Hai." I simply said as I watch him go. Then, I notice Akashi who is looking at me again. And this time, more serious than before. More intense. I just avert my eyes away and head on to the other side to have a seat.

And for the whole practice, I never lay an eye to the crimson haired emperor.


(Normal POV)

(Time Skip)

The school bell rang, Miyaka is quietly heading towards the gate when she heard a sudden cheery voice.


She turn her eyes on the person and smile back at him. She hurriedly walks closer to him. As she got closer, they both exchange smiles before walking off.

Unknown to the two, there is someone who is watching over them from afar.


 when it really comes to Akashi, I could easily write a story and I wonder why ? >////< Lols! X3 haha...

so well, another chapter posted and next will be next time XD.

funny i could still write and post a story after what I just heard earlier. i just hope that everything will be alright.

see you on the next updates minna ! ^_^v love you all muwaaaahhh!!!! :*


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