8 - Romace Brewing..?

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A/N: So sorry for not updating recently!! School just started and oh god 💀 I hate 7th grade already 😭😭

"Y'know, these wrist watch thingys are pretty cool...." You studied the day pass around your wrist. "Yeah....I invented the goobers and stuff, believe it or not." Miguel grinned a bit. He seemed to be flaunting a bit, maybe trying to impress you.

You sit down at the table placed in the same room as all of Miguel's gadgets and technology stuff was, along with the hologram screens that he used to track the spider-people.

"Hm....what's this?" You pick up a random gadget.

"Ah- uh- don't touch that-"


Cat In the Bag - Miguel O'Hara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now